CFT.1. Introducción al modelado matemático
Geographic information systems (GIS) applied to coastal sedimentary environments
Earth’s climate and its past, present, and future changes 2024
Gestión de las empresas marítimas y pesqueras. Curso 23 / 24
Variant Calling 2023
Omic Technologies: Variant Calling Using Sequencing Data
Observing and modelling oceanic systems
CFA Courses 2022-2023
Scientific Culture, Ocean Literacy and Engagement with Society
CFA.2.1.2022 New trends in aquaculture biotechnology research
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies in the Maritime Sector
CFA- Advance Training Course
Gloval Governance of the Oceans
Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services From Mapping to Modelilng
Seguimiento y monitorización del estado sanitario en acuicultura y poblaciones naturales
Gestión de las empresas marítimas y pesqueras
Management of maritime and fishing companies
Introduction to mathematical modeling
Orientation: Ocean Observation and Global Change Sustainable use of Marine Resources Integral Management of the Sea Technological progress. Engineering and Business Management
Programa de capacitación en gestión de proyectos de investigación e innovación en educación superior universitaria
Arquitectura de ordenadores. Curso 2021 / 2022
Earth’s climate and its past, present, and future changes 2021
Cryobiology and Thermal Ecology 2021
Máster en Nutrición 21 / 22
Eficiencia Energética y Energías Renovables en el Sector Marítimo
Arquitectura de ordenadores. Curso 2020 / 2021
Global Governance of the Oceans
Master of Nutrition 20 / 21
Electronics Basics 20/21
MarENet project.
Training & Labour Market Matching Workshop
New trends in seafood processing and conservation
Introduction to mathematical modeling 2020
Modality: CFT- Transversal Training Course
Surveillance and monitoring of health status of aquaculture and wild populations 2020
Cryobiology and Thermal Ecology
Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish II - 19 - 20
Alganat 2000. Low cost mapping of intertidal seaweed. Demo workshop
Presentation of the tool developed and the results of the project in a demonstration workshop open to the public
Applied archeology 19/20
Arquitectura de ordenadores. Curso 2019 / 2020
Arte Medieval. Curso 19/20
Classical Art 19/20
Earth’s climate and its past, present, and future changes
Tecnología electrónica
Teoría y método de la arqueología. Curso 19/20
PhD Program in Translation and Paratranslation
Projecting future seafood sustainability under global change
Statistical applications to experimental and technical design and data analysis
Introduction to graph theory and network analysis
Red ECOMAR (Ecosistemas Marino-Costeros)
Master of Nutrition 19 / 20
Translation Multimedia Master 2019 / 20
Ancient history of the Iberian Peninsula 19/20
Artistic Languages and Techniques 19/20
Global change, marine resources and biodiversity
History of Pre-Columbian and Colonial America 19/20
Introduction to Latin language and culture 19/20
Seminar on Scientific Writing
Summer Scientific Campus 2019
Campus del Mar continues to awaken scientific vocations throughout the national territory
Biological invasions in marine ecosystems
Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Services: Case Studies from Europe & the Americas
Coastal dynamics and environmental assessment
2019 CFA 3.1
Universal Antiquity History 19/20
What is Global Change?
CFT 1 Course
New trends in aquaculture biotechnology research
Reorganization of marine biodiversity under climate change: new challenges and opportunities
Classical Art 18/19
Medieval Art 18/19
Applied archeology 18/19
Archeology, antiquity, history, cultures, ancient Greece, ancient Rome
Arquitectura de ordenadores 18/19
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish II - 18/19
Theory and method of archeology 18/19
Estrategias y métodos del Master MILA
Cambio climático, medio ambiente y eficiencia en el sector marítimo-pesquero
Cambio climático: Del conocimiento científico al mercado profesional
Master of Nutrition 18 / 19
Translation Multimedia Master 2018 / 19
History of Pre-Columbian and Colonial America 18/19
The role of global change in the alteration of biogeochemical cycles
Adaptation of port maritime workers to industry 4.0
Basis for coastal governance: organization, planning and management of coastal areas.
Special attention to "Spatial maritime planning"
Advance Training Course
Summer Scientific Campus 2018
Ecology and biogeochemical role of microbial plankton
VII Coffee with salt
Cycle of Scientific Conferences. Year 2017.
Surveillance and monitoring of the health status of aquaculture and wild populations
The Ecosystem Approach to small-scale Fisheries: concepts and application
ID. the main ecological interactions of species and fisheries
Identifying, measuring and mapping limits in ocean ecosystems
Cycle of Conferences of Campus do Mar
Techniques for climate characterization and sea state
DoMar Course CFT7
Curriculum Design
Divulgare. Divulgation channel
Disclosure made by scientists, for all audiences
Medieval Art. Course 17/18
Translation Multimedia Master 2017-18
General Linguistics, Course 17/18
Degree in Language Sciences and Literature Studies
Applied archeology 17/18
Classical Art 17/18
Free Trade Zones and International Trade
Faculty of Legal and Labor Sciences
Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish II - 17/18
Interdisciplinary fisheries seminar
Seminars planned in collaboration with ECOBAS (Economics and Business Administration for Society)
Presentation day of the AQUADAPT Project
Adaptation Plan for Spanish Marine Aquaculture to Climate Change
Simultaneous beach cleaning
Training session for coordinators
Theory and method of archeology 17/18
6th International Symposium Marine and Freshwater Toxins Analysis
22-25 October 2017, Baiona, Spain
History of Pre-Columbian and Colonial America 2017
IV season Good use and bad use of the sea
And premiere of the exhibition "Sustentabilidade en Feminino"
Reflections on poetry and politics from The year of 1993, by José Saramago
Sustainability in women: contributions of women to the sustainability of the sea
Arquitectura de Ordenadores 17-18
1st Year of Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering
Contemporary collective creation
Evaluation and management of fishery and shellfish resources
Molecular ecology and population genetics
Small-scale fisheries in Europe: a general overview
Design, Marketing, and Promotion of Tourism Products
Diseño del currículum
Economics and management of marine resources
Linguistica aplicada (MILA). Curso 17-18
Master of Nutrition 17 / 18
Designing marine spatial property rights for moving fish
Green Energy Ports Conference
Seminar in scientific writing
Summer Scientific Campus 2017
The project MarMOOC
Mutualized and Open Hybrid Learning in Moroccan Universities
III International Conference of the Network of Excellence Legal-Maritime Studies (REDEXMAR)
Challengers of the EU integrated maritime policy in times of international legal uncertainty
PhD Program in Language Studies
XXVIII International Conference of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies (SEDERI)
Transcultural Brigdes: Seas, Towns and Text in Early Modern England
A transmissão do ensino da história das ditaduras militares e dos traumas coletivos
Bringing ocean science into the classroom
Week of creativity and innovation
Creation of virtual reality contents
Exchange of experiences on the networks, the creation and the territory
From paper to pixel
Seminar To-Translate Historical Memory
Translation and paratraduction of the mutant phonomenology of nazism
The book of the artist unfolded
EL PLIEGO / LE PLIE / A FOLDER project as a teaching resource and research strategy
Classical Art
Colloquium on visual and verbal creativity
Doc-TIC Doctorate Workshops
General Linguistics 16/17
Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish II
New trends in aquaculture research 2017 CFA2
Applied Archeology
I International Biennial on Architecture Education for Children and Youngsters
Living the common space from a playful perspective: from the schoolyard to the city as a game board
Linguistica Aplicada 16/17
Traffic in Brussels
Feel the Sea
Learn to feel the sea more without being able to see it
CdM ISC'16
Oceans: Future sustainability challenges
DO*MAR Student's Day 2016
Good use and bad use of the sea
Sustainability in female
Teaching and learning UvigoTV services trainning
Multimedia service - University of Vigo
Design and application of valuation methodologies in the marine environment CFT6
Computer Architecture Year 16/17
Marine and coastal ecosystem services: From basic evaluation to quantification, modeling and mapping
Recognize, perceive, touch
Educative intervention and school attention to blind boys or with vision problems
Translation Multimedia Master 16/17
Control and monitoring of the health condition, in aquaculture and in natural populations. CFA2
Doctorate in aerospace engineering
Ocean World Day
The role of global change in the alteration of biogeochemical cycles 1516_CFA6
II International Conference of the Network of Excellence Legal-Maritime Studies (REDEXMAR)
An ecosystem approach to small-scale fisheries in Latin America
Forecasting Effects of Extreme Events on Shellfisheries in Galicia
Scientific Program Presentations "Coffee with salt"
Seminar of scientific writing 15/16 CFT5
Writing techniques and scientific publications proposals
Summer Scientific Campus 2016
The project's main objective is to introduce students to the basic techniques and concepts research in biological oceanography.
The role of flags of convenience in the fisheries sector and rules of the European Union
Creation and Research in Contemporary Art
Design & Fashion future LAB
Ultimos avances en nuevos materiales, así como casos de éxito en su desarrollo y aplicación al ámbito del diseño actual.
New technologies for processing and preserving of seafood CFA4
Processing and preserving seafood, from the perspective of industrial and market reality
PhD in communication 2016
The ecosystem approach in fisheries in small-scale. concept and application CFA5
Comprehensive assessment of marine pollution in the coastal zone. 1516_CFA10
Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish 2 15/16
History of Iberian cultures
Master of Nutrition 15/16
I Seminar on education and training in contemporary art from the museums, art centers, foundations and institutions.
Round table on artistic education in the University. Teaching strategies.
Direction and Technology Management
Doctoral Programme on Equity and Innovation in Education
PhD in Equity
General Linguistics 15/16
Oral language to deaf and sign language as a second language
PHD Dissertation: Lutjanidae reproductive ecology of the northern coast of Bahia, Brazil
Contributions to the sustainable management of artisanal fisheries
Strategies and methods of teaching and learning languages
History and Sea. 1415_CFA7
I International Congress of Thalasso
Health & Wellness
II Workshop Bioauga
New trends and challenges related to the problems of water and purification.
Scientific and technical advice for the assessment and management of small-scale fisheries (SSF). 1415_CFA9
3 Day Startup Vigo
Working under the methodology of "learning by doing" for a whole weekend at the headquarters of the island of San Simon. We provide food, drink and a cast of mentors related to the maritime sector available to 40 selected students
Atlantic Communities: Translation, Mobility, Hospitality
Good use and misuse of the sea
IV International Forum of Creation in the Borderline
3 Day Startup Vigo Mar
Create a technology company in three days based on the maritime sector
Computer Architecture Year 15/16
Statistical Applications to Experimental Design and Technical and Analysis Data. 1415_CFT1
Translation Multimedia Master 15/16
Summer Scientific Campus 2015
6th edición de las Technical Seminar. The sea and renewable energies
Naval and Oceanic Engineering's contribution
Acidifcation and transports of water masses and CO2 in the North Atlantic
PhD Thesis 2015
IAMRI Meeting 2015 Scientific Forum
Marine & Freshwater Toxins Analysis
Fifth Joint Symposium and AOAC Task Force Meeting
Marine Sciences conferences 2015
Ocean - Atmosphere Interaction. 1415_CFA5
Seminar on Scientific Writing. 1415_CFT3
The financing of ports in Spain and the European Union: Costs and benefits for port operators
Coastal dynamics and environmental assessment. 1415_CFA3
Doctorate in communication
Systems modeling and ocean observation. 1415_CFA4
X International Congress of the National Association for Research in Children's Literature
Autobiography and self-portrait
General Linguistics 14/15
Grammatical Fundaments of Galician and Spanish 2 14/15
Master of Nutrition 14/15
Year 2014/2015
Acuicultura: Trends in research in aquaculture
Campus do Mar LSE Spots
Club Webs Apps
Divulgare SONAR
Economy and management of natural resources and the marine environment. 1415_CFA2
History of Iberian cultures 14/15
Process of marked
Quantum repeaters for long distance quantum optical Communication
SONAR Conferences
Spanish economy and world 14/15
What is sonar?
Erasmus Mundus Green IT for the benefit of civil society
Life in the deep sea of Galicia
Artists about other works
Workshop on Marine Evolutionary Genomics and Proteomics
MEGP 2014
Conferences Financial and Tax Regime of the state's ports
Global distribution, composition and abundance of marine litter in Europe.
Spatio-temporal processing algorithms of image sequences for automatic recognition and registration of motion
Iván Gómez's PhD thesis
Evaluation 2014
Introduction to the humanities and social sciences
PhD program in communication
Applied Linguistics 14-15
Computer Architecture Year 14/15
Translation Multimedia Master 14/15
History of the language
International Youth Campus Oceántica 14
Anthropogenic global change in the ocean
International university course of the project OCEANTICA
DO*Mar Student Day
International Meeting on Marine Research 2014
International Meeting on Marine Research 2014 - for speakers only
Advanced training in InVEST models for assessing ecosystem
Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs
Hybridisation on marine organisms: Theoretical and practical implications
OCEANTICA. Educational project CTS Campus do Mar
Summer 2014 Science Campus
The role of global change in the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. CFA1_4C
PhD Campus do mar - Year 2013-14
PhD Campus do mar - Year 2012-13
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
Plastics in the marine environment: a global problem
Where do the great whales go? A view of their ecology from space
Transdisciplinary in small-scale fisheries research: why and how
Baliza: A arte como hipótese 2014
Art and social coordination: Communication from the difference
Design and patent proposal in scientific jobs
Electronic Instrumentation and Sensors 2014
Five reasons not to organize a MOOC. And some to do
Implementation of sign language studies in college
Is it possible to always grow? A tour of the other crisis since the oceans
Marine Sciences conferences
Micro Computed Tomography (micro-CT) Scanner presentation
Overfishing. Harvesting more than cultivated.
Tracking and monitoring the health status of aquaculture and natural populations. CFA3_4C
Unique infrastructures in the Campus do Mar
Comprehensive assessment of marine pollution in the coastal zone. CFA5_4C
Etymology and the OED: linguistic approaches to lexicographical problems
Sustainability Strategies: participation and governance. CFT2_4C
Management of human resources
Molecular Biotechnology. CFA3_3C
Strategic Management of Innovation and Technology: Tools for Management 2013-2014
The Barefoot Ecologist’s toolbox
Deep systems: ecology, conservation and technological development. CFA1_3C
General Introduction to (teaching) of sculptural techniques
New European Framework Programme Horizon 2020
Dissemination Sessions
New technologies for processing and preserving of seafood
Ocean physics and global change
Climatic and sea state characterization techniques
Course of thermal installations air conditioning with heat pump
Design and implementation of methodologies for economic valuation in the marine environment
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Risk Assessment
Energy Audit in Fisheries
Global change
Global change, biodiversity and marine resources
New Seafood
Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions
Supplementary fuel 2013/14
The teaching of galician and spanish to foreigns 2013/2014
Workshop on shipbuilding sector tax benefits
Aquaculture´s day
Educational meetings OCEANTICA 13-14
Mapping on european marine habitats
Master Degree on Contemporary Art. Creation and Research
A change of scenario
Opening PhD Program Do*Mar. Campus do Mar
Transmedia and implementation of the business model canvas
.Nutrition Postgraduate 13/14
Year 2013/2014
Applied Linguistics
Art and social articulation: communication of the difference
Basis for coastal governance: Planning and management of coastal areas
Postgraduate in Specific Needs of Educational support
Research axis about social regime of sea workers in the" Campus do Mar" context
Searching for answers: The educational experiences with LSE as a basis for teaching
Automated Lecture Recording System, press conference
Computer Architecture Year 13/14
Development instrument for support of I+D+i bussines projects in the maritime and fishing industry
Multimedia Translation Master 2013/2014
Educational project CTS Campus do Mar
Presentations, Summer Scientific Campuses 2013
30 June and 27 July 2013
Biomaterials from the Sea. Learning from Nature
Campus Mar Life - Augaventura
Food from the Sea
Medicines from the Sea
Methodology for the economic assessment of floating offshore wind farms through cost analysis phases of its life cycle.
Laura Castro Santos´ Doctoral Thesis
Fluid Mechanics
Genomic Approaches to the understanding of Disease Resistance and Innate Immunity in Catfish
Give Form to the Forgotten
Global population trajectories, life history strategies and vulnerability to fishing of scombrid species:
implications for conservation and management
Maritime Forum of the Atlantic Axis. Viana do Castelo.
Oceántica. Presentation video
Seminar on scientific writing
Accessibility, Adaptability and Customization in ICT for Higher Education
Economics and Management of the natural resources and marine environment
Models of Technology Transfer and Innovation
Campus do Mar Entrepreneurship Conferences Cycle
Spanish Literature
Legal issues arising from marine casualties: the Erika case
AES, Advances in Ecological Speciation
Marin Toxins - A New Link etween Galicia and Sendai
Presentation of OCEÁNTICA Project
Statistical Applications in Experimental and Technical Design and Data Analysis
Network of the Campus of excellence in maritime theme
Contemporary concepts on hydrodynamics of semi-enclosed systems: what’s the importance of width and depth?
Django Workshop and the Python Language
Electronic Instrumentation and Sensors 2013
European hake. Slow or fast growth?
Fashion Thursdays
Private international law: the Rome II regulation role in the selection of the applicable law
Sign Language Research
Master in Linguistics and its applications
The global changes: learning from the Antarctic
What is... an estuary
4 Points of View
From promise to reality
Jquery Workshop
Omics Technologies. Analysis of data from NGS, RNA-seq and ClhP-seq
Promethean Whiteboard Tutorial
Tempus-OSMOSE Project
Audiovisual technology
3rd Year of Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering
Daily Scripture
Local Science Network in Japan
Management of shellfish resources in Japan
Processes of space-time
2nd Year of Degree in Fine Arts
Spanish and World Economy
1st Year of Degree in Business Management
Strategic Direction of Innovation and Technology: Tools for Management
Master in Creation, Management and Innovation in Business
Campus do Mar gets the highest qualification given by the Ministry
Internationalisation, talent recruitment, potential for transfer, main strengths
Class recording demo
Fishering in a Changing Ocean: Adaptation challenges
PhD Dissertation: Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br.
Spanish and Galician as second languages 2012/2013
3th Year of Degree in Galician and Spanish Studies
The contribution of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to good governance of the oceans and seas
The Coastal Law reform
A change to the private marine-terrestrial domain
NGS4MG: Next Generation Sequencing for Marine Genomics Symposium
Organizing Information: techniques, resources and methodology for linguistic research
The evaluation of language competence
An integrative study to the functioning of the Flemish Cap demersal community
Alfonso Pérez's doctoral thesis
Multimedia Translation Master 2012/2013
Nutrition Postgraduate
Year 2012/2013
Postgraduate in Terrestrial Ecosystems, Sustainable Use and Environmental Implications
Soil - Plant relationship
Programming II
2nd Year of Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering
Satellite based AIS
6th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and 12th Signal Processing for Space Communicat
Computer Architecture 12/13
Digital Signal Processing
4th Year of Telecommunication Engineering
Syntax and historical semantics of the Spanish language
5th Year of Degree in Hispanic Philology
Bivalves as hydraulic ecosystem engineers versus wimps of the flat & Extreme events and the biogeography of range boundaries in the European intertidal
Dr. Sally Woodin & Dr. David Wethey
Canada and Beyond II
From Sea to Sea and Beyond
Summer Science Campus 2012
Workshop MARPRO: Stranding and Marine Animal Rehabilitation Networks
Emilio Fernández Suárez interview
OlaTV. News, Thursday June 21, 2012
Impacts of Fisheries and Global Warming on Marine Ecosystems
Sea Around Us Project
LTE 2012
MAIA - Marine protected areas in the Atlantic Arc
Tools for MPA Governance: Management Plans
Rights and Tenure in Fisheries Targeting Seabed Resources
Transcriptomic and genomic studies in atlantic salmon-linking disease problems and productive applications in aquaculture
AERFAI Summer School on Pattern Recognition in Multimodal Human Interaction
Determination of Toxins involved in ciguatera and related seafood toxins
ANCORIM National Conference
ANCORIM: Atlantic Network for Coastal Risk Management
Net metabolic balance of the microbial plankton community in the turn oligotrophic subtropical Atlantic
Aranguren Gassis´s Doctoral Thesis
Project MYFISH
Maximising yield fisheries while balancing ecosystem, economic and social concerns
Specific features of research in sign language
University Master in Linguistics and its applications
TNC 2012 Recording Contest
Aquatic microbial ecology through the lens of high-throughput DNA/RNA sequencing
Bioecology of Sepiola atlantica in Galician waters
Marcelo Gómez Rodrígues' Doctoral Thesis
Deepwater sedimentary systems. New advances and current trends
IV Symposium on Galician language
Political ideology and dictionary
Signing of cooperation protocol Campus do Mar - University of Cape Verde
Study of Food and Nutrition postlarvae and early juvenile European abalone (Haliotis tuberculata L, 1758) in controlled culture conditions
Summer Science Campus 2011
Organization: Campus do mar, Ministry of Education (Strengthening Program), Ministry of Science and
Interview with Stephen Olsen
Master of Scenic Arts
Persistent organic pollutants in the marine environment
Trends in known and emerging compounds
Alternative Fuels
5th year of Mining Engineering
Computer networks
2nd year of Degree in Technology Telecommunications Engineering
Degradation and reuse of industrial products
Industrial Engineering - Design and Manufacture
Multimedia security
Master in Signal Theory and Communications
Participation, Compliance and Enforcement in the Governance of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
Course of Subtitling for deaf
Image processing
5th year of Telecommunications Engineering
Integrated Coastal Management Aplication in Environmental Restoration
A case study in Xiamen, China
Marine research in Spain: Analysis of the last National Plan of R&D and prospective in an uncertain stage
Campus do Mar Conference Series
Morphosyntax of the First Foreign Language: English
2nd year of Degree in Foreign Languages
Teaching Galician and Spanish to foreigners
Variability in the subtropical circulation of the Atlantic Ocean
Campus do Mar conference series
Communication course for researchers from the Campus do Mar
Campus do Mar on the beach
Into the deep: epibenthic communities on the continental slope of Atlantic Canada
Campus do Mar conference
Marine primary production in relation to climate variability and global change
Campus do Mar conferences
Stacking ecosystem services in the Panama Canal watershed
by Charles Perrings
TF-Media 5th meeting, Porto
Transnational Story-making and "dreaming latitude"
by Merlinda Carullo Bobis
Digital Signal Processing 11/12
Year 2011/2012
Official Master in Multimedia Translation 2011/2012
The Transnational Story Hub. Workshop II: Writing a script for sound
Placed inside the research project "The cultural markets globalization"
What is the Campus do Mar?
Explanatory video
Oceanographic Campaign-Burato 2011
Appointment of Management Team
Campus Mar Life
Program of cultural activities, sports and entertainment that will begin in September, with its epic
Campus do Mar Workshop with Students of Secondary Education
Executive committees and R+D clusters
Election of the second level of governance
Fish reproduction and fisheries
Vigo, Spain, 16 - 20 May 2011
ICT on Campus do Mar
Opening of the Campus do Mar Summer Science Camp 2011
What to study and why study oceans
Visit of the Minister of Education, Ángel Gabilondo, to the University of Vigo
Campus del Mar presents its new delegates
The four previous chancellors of the University of Vigo will be responsible for different areas with
The prospects for wave energy in Ireland and the role of numerical modelling in its development
by Marcel Curé
Everything is good in fish!
by Jean Pascal Bergé
An overview of emerging marine biotoxins
by Prof. Takeshi Yasumoto
Efficiency advantages of grandfathering in rights based fishery management
by Prof. Gary Libecap
Global warming, fisheries and risk
by Prof. Ragnar Arnason
Multi-carrier acoustic underwater communications
by Prof. Geert Leus
Conference series of the "Cátedra Almirante Álvarez Ossorio"
Marine life in a high CO₂ world
by Dr. Débora Iglesias-Rodríguez
Institutional Support
Interview with the Rector of the University of Vigo
Interviews: R+D Group of the Campus do Mar
Interviews: Social Support to Campus do Mar
Presentation of Campus do Mar as a candidate to International Campus of Excellence
Intervention of the Rector of the University of Vigo
Promotional and corporate videos of the "Campus de Excelencia Internacional" nomination
Sponsors support
The city team also supports the Campus del Mar
Underwater Wireless (Acoustic) Communications
by Ms. Milica Stojanovic
Event of institutional support for the 'Campus de Excelencia International. Campus do Mar'