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New technologies for processing and preserving of seafood

PhD Campus do mar - Year 2013-14

Aula 15, Faculty of Marine Sciences - Lagoas Marcosende - Vigo

Date of holding: 17/02/2014
"Introduction to technologies in agricultural products"
Part I
Video private  |  Spanish  |  73' 04''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Mr. Javier Borderías
Research Professor, ICTAN-CSIC
"Introduction to technologies in agricultural products"
Part II
Video private  |  Spanish  |  121' 41''  |  Viewed: 1 time
Mr. Javier Borderías
Research Professor, ICTAN-CSIC
"Seafood restructured products"
Part I
Video private  |  Spanish  |  104' 56''  |  Viewed: 1 time
Mr. Javier Borderías
Research Professor, ICTAN-CSIC
Date of holding: 18/02/2014
"Seafood restructured products"
Part II
Video private  |  Spanish  |  91' 13''  |  Viewed: 1 time
Mr. Javier Borderías
Research Professor, ICTAN-CSIC
"Resistive technology"
Part I
Video private  |  Portuguese  |  33' 59''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Mr. José Antonio Teixeira
Professor, University of Minho
"Resistive technology"
Part II
Video private  |  Portuguese  |  24' 37''  |  Viewed: 1 time
Mr. José Antonio Teixeira
Professor, University of Minho
"New processing technologies-radiofrequency and microwaves"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  54' 55''  |  Viewed: 1 time
Mss. Elena Ibáñez
Teacher, CIAL-CSIC
"High hydrostatic pressures"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  68' 53''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Mss. Elena Ibáñez
Teacher, CIAL-CSIC
Date of holding: 19/02/2014
"Production of natural food preservatives from marine origin"
Parte I
Video private  |  Spanish  |  125' 18''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Mss. Elena Ibáñez
Teacher, CIAL-CSIC
"Production of natural food preservatives from marine origin"
Parte II
Video private  |  Spanish  |  84' 23''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Mss. Elena Ibáñez
Teacher, CIAL-CSIC
"Determination and prediction of shelf-life and safety of seafood preserved under map"
Video private  |  Portuguese  |  143' 59''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Mss. Leonor Nunes
Professor, IPIMAR
Date of holding: 20/02/2014
"Importance and production of Omega-3 "
Video private  |  Portuguese  |  111' 39''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mss. Leonor Nunes
Professor, IPIMAR
"Antioxidant and anti hypertensive enzymes and peptides from seafood"
Video private  |  Portuguese  |  111' 19''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Mss. Leonor Nunes
Professor, IPIMAR
"Valorization of sea discards and subproducts from fish processing"
Video private  |  Portuguese  |  92' 41''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Mss. Leonor Nunes
Professor, IPIMAR
Date of holding: 21/02/2014
"Food active packaging"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  52' 59''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Mr. Lorenzo Pastrana Castro
Programme Area Director, Vicerectory of Transfer Research - President, University of Vigo - Food and Agriculture Platform of Galicia
"Edible films and coatings: application on fish products"
Video private  |  Portuguese  |  69' 52''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mr. José Antonio Teixeira
Professor, University of Minho
"Round table"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  92' 53''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Mr. Lorenzo Pastrana Castro
Programme Area Director, Vicerectory of Transfer Research - President, University of Vigo - Food and Agriculture Platform of Galicia
Mr. Juanjo De la Cerda
I+D Director, Pescanova
Mr. José Antonio Teixeira
Professor, University of Minho
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