"Presentation of BIOAUGA"
"Siamec Project, anaerob integrated system for sewage water reuse, with ambient temperature in European climate"
"Questions. Siamec Project, anaerob integrated system for sewage water reuse, with ambient temperature in European climate"
"Global Observatory of Lake Responses to Environmental Change. Application to Cyanobacteria Blooms"
"Questions. Global Observatory of Lake Responses to Environmental Change. Application to Cyanobacteria Blooms"
"Sustainable Communities Project"
"Acid Water Microalgae´s potential"
"REGATA Network presentation"
"Physical methods of thermal water desinfection"
"Hygiene, Inspection and Food Control Lab"
"Microalgae Growth Systems"
"Microalgae and contaminated water recovery from advanced oxidation processes"
"Biohydrogen production from a dark fermentation"
"Clay application in flocculation mechanisms of Chlorella Vulgaris"
"Different ways to produce hydrogen from a raceway cultivation of Chlorella Vulgaris"
"Electroanalytical methodologies optimization for heavy metal analysis in water with the presence of the microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris"
"Microalgae in animal feeding"
"Drug detection in water through SERS"