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Biological invasions in marine ecosystems

Date of holding: 27/05/2019
"Biological invasions: Historical review of species invasions research"
Video private  |  English  |  37' 08''  |  Viewed: 11 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
"Vectors and pathways of introduction of marine invaders"
Video private  |  English  |  52' 20''  |  Viewed: 12 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
"Invasion: what makes a good invader"
Video private  |  English  |  48' 28''  |  Viewed: 12 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
"Biological resistance to invasions: the other side of invasions"
Video private  |  English  |  34' 04''  |  Viewed: 19 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
Date of holding: 28/05/2019
"How to manage marine invasions: Prevention, control and eradication."
Video private  |  English  |  41' 51''  |  Viewed: 13 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
"Anthropocene: Global stressors and Biological invasions."
Video private  |  English  |  32' 55''  |  Viewed: 10 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
"Ecological and economic impacts: from individuals to ecosystems, from structure to functioning"
Video private  |  English  |  21' 43''  |  Viewed: 7 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
"Bases of Statistical Modelling. Species Distribution Models (SDMs) as Multiple Logistic Regressions."
Video private  |  English  |  42' 31''  |  Viewed: 13 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
"Definition of correlative SDMs. Desired properties. Modeling phases and decisions, the cookbook."
Video private  |  English  |  82' 42''  |  Viewed: 8 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
Date of holding: 29/05/2019
"The special case of modeling invasive species. Which niche are we modelling?. Equilibrium assumption"
Video private  |  English  |  66' 18''  |  Viewed: 6 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
Date of holding: 30/05/2019
"Applications. How to write an article/oral presentation using SDMs. Students work on own projects/presentations I"
Video private  |  English  |  29' 01''  |  Viewed: 8 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
"Applications. How to write an article/oral presentation using SDMs. Students work on own projects/presentations II"
Video private  |  English  |  27' 30''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mr. Francisco Arenas
Researcher at the Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group (AEE) of CIIMAR
Celia Olabarría
Investigator and professor in the department of biology and ecology, University of Vigo
Mr. Brezo Martínez-Díaz-Caneja
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
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