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Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish II

A5 classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción - Campus de Vigo

Date of holding: 23/01/2017
"Presentation of the matter of grammatical foundations 2"
Video private  |  Galician  |  98' 33''  |  Viewed: 10 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 30/01/2017
"Morphological analysis: the word and its internal structure"
Video private  |  Galician  |  83' 08''  |  Viewed: 10 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 06/02/2017
"Morphological analysis and hierarchical structure of the derived word"
Video private  |  Galician  |  101' 29''  |  Viewed: 11 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 13/02/2017
"Word Formation Procedures"
Video private  |  Galician  |  109' 08''  |  Viewed: 6 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 20/02/2017
"Commentary on the activities of item 1"
Video private  |  Galician  |  101' 34''  |  Viewed: 5 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 06/03/2017
"Item 2: The classification of the words. problems"
Video private  |  Galician  |  106' 31''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 13/03/2017
"Item 2: The classification of the words. Lexical, morphological and syntactic criteria."
Video private  |  Galician  |  103' 35''  |  Viewed: 1 time
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 20/03/2017
"Topic 2: Classification of words. Practice of recognition and comment of words in a text"
Video private  |  Galician  |  98' 08''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 27/03/2017
"Topic 2: commentary on activities 3-4-5-6"
Video private  |  Galician  |  101' 08''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 03/04/2017
"Topic 2: Classification of words: nuclear words and argument words"
Video private  |  Galician  |  99' 35''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 17/04/2017
"Topic 2: Classification of words: Classification problems"
Video private  |  Galician  |  103' 35''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 24/04/2017
"Topic 2: Classification of words: classification problems of QUE and infinitives"
Video private  |  Galician  |  102' 29''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
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