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Grammatical Fundaments of Galician and Spanish 2 14/15

Date of holding: 26/01/2015
B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
"The word: the internal structure (1)"
Video private  |  Galician  |  101' 17''  |  Viewed: 19 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 02/02/2015
B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
"Internal hierarchy and word formation (2)"
Video private  |  Galician  |  108' 28''  |  Viewed: 15 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 09/02/2015
B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
"Comment activities. Theme 1 (1)"
Video private  |  Galician  |  104' 12''  |  Viewed: 18 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 02/03/2015
B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
"Criteria for classify (1)"
Video private  |  Galician  |  98' 15''  |  Viewed: 11 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 09/03/2015
Aula B4, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Video private  |  Galician  |  100' 47''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 16/03/2015
B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
"Nuclear words and plot words"
Video private  |  Galician  |  64' 20''  |  Viewed: 7 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 23/03/2015
Aula de postgrado, University of A Coruña
"Comments on the identification of cores phrases"
Video private  |  Galician  |  110' 03''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 06/04/2015
B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
"Problems on the classification of words"
Part I
Video private  |  Galician  |  10' 30''  |  Viewed: 6 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
"Problems on the classification of words"
Part II
Video private  |  Galician  |  55' 19''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 13/04/2015
B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
"Problems syntactic tree analysis"
Video private  |  Galician  |  71' 07''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 20/04/2015
B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
"Levels of modification of the adverb"
Video private  |  Galician  |  57' 32''  |  Viewed: 7 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 27/04/2015
B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
"Explanation and correction exercises Unit 2"
Part I
Video private  |  Galician  |  103' 20''  |  Viewed: 5 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 04/05/2015
B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción
"Explanation and correction exercises Unit 2"
Part II
Video private  |  Galician  |  105' 14''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
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