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An overview of emerging marine biotoxins

by Prof. Takeshi Yasumoto

Sala I, Miralles Building - Campus of Vigo

Date of holding: 27/04/2011
"An overview of emerging marine biotoxins"
Video  |  English  (36' 57'')  |  Viewed: 6467 times
Prof. Takeshi Yasumoto
Prof. Emeritus, Tohoku University Japan Food Research Laboratories
Conference introduced by Mr. José Antonio Rodríguez Vázquez
Emeritus Professor of the Departament of Analytical and Alimentary Chemistry, University of Vigo
Video  |  English  (31' 53'')  |  Viewed: 4147 times
Prof. Takeshi Yasumoto
Prof. Emeritus, Tohoku University Japan Food Research Laboratories
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