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Good use and misuse of the sea

Salón de grados, Faculty of Education and Sport - Campus A Xunqueira - Pontevedra

Date of holding: 21/12/2015
"Dive into the ocean"
Video  |  Galician  (2' 26'')  |  Viewed: 1243 times
Date of holding: 26/10/2015
"Opening. Good use and misuse of the sea"
Video  |  Spanish  |  1' 30''  |  Viewed: 590 times
Sr. Juan Manuel Corbacho Valencia
Vice President for Campus Pontevedra, University of Vigo
"Relationship between work and nature received by trade unionists: Environmental practices derived from this perception"
Video  |  Spanish  |  31' 37''  |  Viewed: 583 times
Nora Rätzhel
Umeå University, Sweden
"Questions. Relationship between work and nature received by trade unionists: Environmental practices derived from this perception"
Video  |  Spanish  |  15' 13''  |  Viewed: 552 times
Nora Rätzhel
Umeå University, Sweden
"Integration of a gender approach in the sustainable management of coastal resources"
Video  |  English  |  51' 04''  |  Viewed: 529 times
Elisia da Cruz
INDP - Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Pescas, Cabo Verde
"Questions. Integration of a gender approach in the sustainable management of coastal resources"
Sea, ocean, sustainability, responsibility, work, nature
Video  |  English  |  8' 37''  |  Viewed: 553 times
"Why some people do not want to change their behavior even if they know the scientific evidence of climate change?"
Video  |  English  |  70' 55''  |  Viewed: 524 times
David Uzzel
Environmental psychology, University of Surrey
"Questions. Why some people do not want to change their behavior even if they know the scientific evidence of climate change?"
Video  |  English  |  7' 17''  |  Viewed: 530 times
David Uzzel
Environmental psychology, University of Surrey
"Closing. Good use and misuse of the sea"
Video  |  English  |  1' 30''  |  Viewed: 553 times
Sr. Juan Manuel Corbacho Valencia
Vice President for Campus Pontevedra, University of Vigo
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