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The role of global change in the alteration of biogeochemical cycles

Campus do Mar videoconference room, C.A.C.T.I. - Centro de Apoio Científico-Tecnolóxico á Investigación

"Marine biogeochemical cycles I"
Carbon Cycles
Video private  |  Spanish  |  70' 21''  |  Viewed: 8 times
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
"Marine biogeochemical cycles II"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  42' 10''  |  Viewed: 6 times
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
"Marine biogeochemical cycles III"
Exercises II and Nitrogen Cycle I
Video private  |  Spanish  |  61' 17''  |  Viewed: 6 times
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
"Marine biogeochemical cycles IV"
Nitrogen Cycle II
Video private  |  Spanish  |  68' 10''  |  Viewed: 5 times
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
"Marine biogeochemical cycles V"
Nitrogen Cycle III
Video private  |  Spanish  |  33' 04''  |  Viewed: 1 time
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
"Interactions with environmental changes I"
Modes of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings
Video private  |  Portuguese  |  124' 42''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Mr. João Serodio
Professor, University of Aveiro
"Interactions with environmental changes II"
Anthropogenic CO2 and oceanic acidification
Video private  |  Spanish  |  66' 20''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Professor: Chemical Oceanography
"Interactions with environmental changes III"
Effects of climate change on the biological pump
Video private  |  Spanish  |  111' 10''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Professor: Chemical Oceanography
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