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New trends in seafood processing and conservation

Advance Training Course

Campus do Mar videoconference room, C.A.C.T.I. - Centro de Apoio Científico-Tecnolóxico á Investigación

Date of holding: 28/06/2018
"Introduction to the technologies of processing of food of marine origin"
Video private  |  eng/port/esp  |  91' 37''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mr. Miguel Cerqueira
PhD Program in Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Minho
"New processing technologies"
Video private  |  eng/port/gal  |  115' 31''  |  Viewed: 6 times
Mr. Miguel Cerqueira
PhD Program in Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Minho
Date of holding: 29/06/2018
"Advanced packaging and preservation systems I"
Video private  |  Galician  |  75' 52''  |  Viewed: 12 times
Mr. Juan Pablo Fuciños González
Professor of Nutrition and Food Science., University of Vigo
"Advanced packaging and preservation systems II"
Video private  |  Galician  |  97' 57''  |  Viewed: 12 times
Mr. Juan Pablo Fuciños González
Professor of Nutrition and Food Science., University of Vigo
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