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The global changes: learning from the Antarctic

Salón de actos, Biology Faculty - University of Vigo

Date of holding: 31/05/2012
Video  |  Spanish  (3' 49'')  |  Viewed: 2157 times
Mr. Francisco Javier Hernández Molina
Professor of the Department of Marine Geosciences and Territory Planning, University of Vigo.
"The global changes: learning from the Antarctic"
Video  |  English  (77' 20'')  |  Viewed: 3163 times
Mr. Andrés Maldonado
Research Professor, CSIC. University of Granada.
"Question and answer session"
Video  |  Spanish  (7' 07'')  |  Viewed: 2172 times
Mr. Andrés Maldonado
Research Professor, CSIC. University of Granada.
Mr. Francisco Javier Hernández Molina
Professor of the Department of Marine Geosciences and Territory Planning, University of Vigo.
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