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Workshop on Marine Evolutionary Genomics and Proteomics

MEGP 2014

Date of holding: 14/10/2014
Salón de Actos, Marine Science Station Toralla
"Conference: The evolution of simple behaviours"
Video  |  English  (44' 43'')  |  Viewed: 2179 times
Stevan Springer
Molecular and Cellular Medicine, University of California, San Diego (USA)
"Questions: The evolution of simple behaviours"
Video  |  Spanish  (6' 52'')  |  Viewed: 1301 times
Stevan Springer
Molecular and Cellular Medicine, University of California, San Diego (USA)
"Conference: Reconstructing the history of speciation from RNA-seq data, accounting for the role of genome-wide heterogeneity in introgresion rates"
Video  |  English  (50' 28'')  |  Viewed: 2763 times
Nicolas Bierne
Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution, University of Montpellier (France)
"Questions: Reconstructing the history of speciation from RNA-seq data, accounting for the role of genome-wide heterogeneity in introgresion rates"
Video  |  English  (3' 37'')  |  Viewed: 2022 times
Nicolas Bierne
Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution, University of Montpellier (France)
"Conference: Proteomics in evolutionary ecology"
Video  |  English  (53' 48'')  |  Viewed: 2283 times
Ángel Pérez-Diz
Population genetics and Cytogenetics, University of Vigo (Spain)
"Conference: Experimental genomics in Mediterranean mussel - detecting evolutionary and ecological change in different environments"
Video  |  English  (30' 50'')  |  Viewed: 2316 times
Anamaria Stambuk
Department of Biology, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
"Questions: Experimental genomics in Mediterranean mussel - detecting evolutionary and ecological change in different environments"
Video  |  English  (1' 41'')  |  Viewed: 2332 times
Anamaria Stambuk
Department of Biology, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
"Conference: Genome-wide variation during ecological speciation"
Video  |  English  (36' 33'')  |  Viewed: 2138 times
Patrik Nosil
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (UK)
"Questions: Genome-wide variation during ecological speciation"
Video  |  English  (10' 12'')  |  Viewed: 3516 times
Patrik Nosil
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (UK)
"Conference: Ecological speciation in Littorina snails"
Video  |  English  (39' 31'')  |  Viewed: 1767 times
Juan Galindo
Population genetics and Cytogenetics, University of Vigo (Spain)
"Questions: Ecological speciation in Littorina snails"
Video  |  Spanish  (8' 55'')  |  Viewed: 1593 times
Juan Galindo
Population genetics and Cytogenetics, University of Vigo (Spain)
Date of holding: 15/10/2014
Aula IV, Miralles Building
"Extending our understanding of natural evolution with molecular data"
Video  |  English  (89' 48'')  |  Viewed: 1627 times
Stevan Springer
Molecular and Cellular Medicine, University of California, San Diego (USA)
"Introduction to ABC (Approximate Bayesian Computation)"
Video  |  English  (72' 01'')  |  Viewed: 2058 times
Nicolas Bierne
Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution, University of Montpellier (France)
"Genotyping by sequencing (GBS): demultiplexing and quality control"
Video  |  English  (88' 29'')  |  Viewed: 1784 times
Victor Soria Carrasco
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (UK)
Anamaria Stambuk
Department of Biology, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Stuart Dennis
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (UK)
"GBS: de novo assembly"
Video  |  English  (39' 27'')  |  Viewed: 1695 times
Victor Soria Carrasco
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (UK)
Anamaria Stambuk
Department of Biology, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Stuart Dennis
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (UK)
"GBS: mapping to a reference and variant calling"
Video  |  English  (49' 26'')  |  Viewed: 1859 times
Victor Soria Carrasco
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (UK)
Anamaria Stambuk
Department of Biology, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Stuart Dennis
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (UK)
"GBS: genome-wide association analysis (GWAS)"
Video  |  English  (57' 35'')  |  Viewed: 1919 times
Stuart Dennis
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (UK)
Victor Soria Carrasco
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (UK)
Anamaria Stambuk
Department of Biology, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
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