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Genomic Approaches to the understanding of Disease Resistance and Innate Immunity in Catfish

Auditorio, Cultural Center Novacaixagalicia - A Coruña

Date of holding: 26/06/2013
Video  |  English  (1' 16'')  |  Viewed: 2703 times
Mrs. Beatríz Novoa
Scientific Researcher - Immunology and Genomics, CSIC - IMM , Institute of Marine Research in Vigo.
"Genomic Approaches to the Understanding of Disease Resistance and Innate Immunity in Catfish"
Video  |  English  (41' 36'')  |  Viewed: 3599 times
John Liu
Auburn University
"Question and answer session"
Video  |  English  (11' 19'')  |  Viewed: 2079 times
John Liu
Auburn University
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