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Statistical Applications to Experimental Design and Technical and Analysis Data. 1415_CFT1

Videoconference Room, CITEXVI - Parque Científico y Tecnológico de la Universidade de Vigo

Date of holding: 14/09/2015
"Multiple Linear Regression and Multrivariate Analysis"
Part I
Video private  |  English  |  109' 37''  |  Viewed: 11 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
"Multiple Linear Regression and Multrivariate Analysis"
Part II
Video private  |  English  |  84' 54''  |  Viewed: 5 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 15/09/2015
"Multiple Linear Regression and Multrivariate Analysis"
Part III
Video private  |  English  |  101' 15''  |  Viewed: 6 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
"Multiple Linear Regression and Multrivariate Analysis"
Part IV
Video private  |  English  |  98' 58''  |  Viewed: 5 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 16/09/2015
"Multiple Linear Regression and Multrivariate Analysis"
Part V
Video private  |  English  |  104' 57''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
"Time Series"
Part I
Video private  |  English  |  94' 49''  |  Viewed: 4 times
Mrs. Ángeles Saavedra
Degree in Mathematics (specialty Statistics and Operations Research), University of Vigo
Date of holding: 17/09/2015
"Time Series"
Part II
Video private  |  English  |  68' 28''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Mrs. Ángeles Saavedra
Degree in Mathematics (specialty Statistics and Operations Research), University of Vigo
"Time Series"
Part III
Video private  |  English  |  124' 46''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Mrs. Ángeles Saavedra
Degree in Mathematics (specialty Statistics and Operations Research), University of Vigo
Date of holding: 18/09/2015
"Time Series"
Part IV
Video private  |  English  |  96' 03''  |  Viewed: 1 time
Mrs. Ángeles Saavedra
Degree in Mathematics (specialty Statistics and Operations Research), University of Vigo
"Time Series"
Part V
Video private  |  English  |  87' 46''  |  Viewed: 5 times
Mrs. Ángeles Saavedra
Degree in Mathematics (specialty Statistics and Operations Research), University of Vigo
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