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VII Coffee with salt

Cycle of Scientific Conferences. Year 2017.

Salón de Actos, Marine Science Station Toralla

Date of holding: 19/01/2017
Presentation of the cycle of conferences
"Inauguration of the conference cycle"
Video  |  Galician  (3' 47'')  |  Viewed: 972 times
Antonio Villanueva
Degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Vigo. Superior Technician in Aquaculture Production (I.Ga.F.A), Manager of ECIMAT. Responsible for the Environmental Quality Unit of ECIMAT
Presentation of the Documentary Red Tides
"Presentation of the documentary "Red Tiles""
Video  |  Spanish  |  4' 37''  |  Viewed: 451 times
Antonio Villanueva
Degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Vigo. Superior Technician in Aquaculture Production (I.Ga.F.A), Manager of ECIMAT. Responsible for the Environmental Quality Unit of ECIMAT
"Documentary "Red Tides""
Video  |  Spanish  (22' 24'')  |  Viewed: 1382 times
"Red Tiles. Question Time"
Open lectures on marine research topics
Video  |  Galician  (20' 23'')  |  Viewed: 730 times
Manuel E. García Blanco
Researcher, Institute of Marine Research
Francisco Rodríguez
Researcher, Spanish Institute of Oceanography
Date of holding: 02/02/2017
Turbidity values at Ulla River: an approach for its prediction
"Turbidity values at Ulla River. Presentation"
An approach for its prediction
Video  |  English  |  3' 02''  |  Viewed: 451 times
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
"Turbidity values at Ulla River. "
An approach for its prediction
Video  |  English  |  12' 11''  |  Viewed: 416 times
Jose González
Physical Oceanography, University of Vigo
"Turbidity values at Ulla River. Questions"
Video  |  English  (2' 50'')  |  Viewed: 715 times
Jose González
Physical Oceanography, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 16/02/2017
Ciguatera Fish Poisoning. A new food safety problem in Spain
"Presentation of Santiago Fraga"
Spanish Institute of Oceanography
Video  |  Galician  |  3' 57''  |  Viewed: 508 times
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
"Ciguatera Fish Poisoning. A new food safety problem in Spain"
Spanish Institute of Oceanography
Video  |  English  |  32' 12''  |  Viewed: 970 times
Santiago Fraga
"Ciguatera Fish Poisoning. A new food safety problem in Spain. Questions"
Spanish Institute of Oceanography
Video  |  Spanish  |  18' 31''  |  Viewed: 433 times
Santiago Fraga
Date of holding: 02/03/2017
The Marine turtle research center: a new facility of SZN
"Presentation of Fulvio Mafucci"
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - Napoli
Video  |  English  |  3' 40''  |  Viewed: 468 times
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
"The Marine turtle research center: a new facility of SZN"
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - Napoli
Video  |  English  |  24' 02''  |  Viewed: 881 times
Fulvio Mafucci
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - Napoli
"The Marine turtle research center: a new facility of SZN. Questions"
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - Napoli
Video  |  English  (18' 44'')  |  Viewed: 639 times
Fulvio Mafucci
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - Napoli
Date of holding: 16/03/2017
Effect of combined physical stressors on early development stages of one contracting target seaweed species, Fucus serratus.
"Presentation of Oscar Álvarez"
Video  |  English  (2' 23'')  |  Viewed: 638 times
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
"Effect of combined physical stressors on early development stages of one contracting target seaweed species, Fucus serratus."
Video  |  English  |  13' 16''  |  Viewed: 627 times
Oscar Álvarez
University Rey Juan Carlos
"Effect of combined physical stressors on early development stages of one contracting target seaweed species, Fucus serratus. Questions"
Video  |  English  (13' 00'')  |  Viewed: 592 times
Oscar Álvarez
University Rey Juan Carlos
Date of holding: 04/05/2017
Energetic use of algae
"Presentation of Anxo Sánchez"
VII Café con sal
Video  |  English  (3' 00'')  |  Viewed: 424 times
Mr. Anxo Sánchez
Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Vigo
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
"Energetic use of algae"
VII Café con sal
Video  |  English  (11' 41'')  |  Viewed: 599 times
Mr. Anxo Sánchez
Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Vigo
"Energetic use of algae. Questions"
Video  |  English  |  42' 33''  |  Viewed: 215 times
Mr. Anxo Sánchez
Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Vigo
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
Date of holding: 01/06/2017
Climate Adaptation to Shifting Stocks
"Presentation of Elena Ojea "
Video  |  English  (3' 52'')  |  Viewed: 441 times
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
Dr. Elena Ojea
Researcher, University of Vigo
"Climate Adaptation to Shifting Stocks"
VII Café con sal
Video  |  English  |  18' 53''  |  Viewed: 430 times
Dr. Elena Ojea
Researcher, University of Vigo
"Climate Adaptation to Shifting Stocks. (Questions)"
Video  |  English  (6' 52'')  |  Viewed: 446 times
Dr. Elena Ojea
Researcher, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 06/07/2017
Influence of climate change on offshore renewable energy
"Influence of climate change on offshore renewable energy"
Presentation of the lecturer and conference
Video  |  English  |  23' 25''  |  Viewed: 337 times
Conference introduced by Antonio Villanueva
Degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Vigo. Superior Technician in Aquaculture Production (I.Ga.F.A), Manager of ECIMAT. Responsible for the Environmental Quality Unit of ECIMAT
Mr.. Fran Santos
Enviromental Physics Laboratory and CESAM
"(Question Time) Influence of climate change on offshore renewable energy"
Video  |  English  (15' 32'')  |  Viewed: 450 times
Conference introduced by Antonio Villanueva
Degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Vigo. Superior Technician in Aquaculture Production (I.Ga.F.A), Manager of ECIMAT. Responsible for the Environmental Quality Unit of ECIMAT
Mr.. Fran Santos
Enviromental Physics Laboratory and CESAM
Date of holding: 09/10/2017
Adaptation and speciation in littorina
"Presentation of Robert Butlin"
Presentation of the speaker
Video  |  English  (3' 05'')  |  Viewed: 416 times
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
Mr. Robert Butlin
Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Sheffield
"Adaptation and speciation in littorina"
Video  |  English  |  30' 16''  |  Viewed: 294 times
Mr. Robert Butlin
Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Sheffield
"(Question time). Adaptation and speciation in littorina"
Video  |  English  |  13' 33''  |  Viewed: 301 times
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
Mr. Robert Butlin
Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Sheffield
Date of holding: 19/10/2017
Molecular characterization and pathologies of oysters from the Andalusian Atlantic coast
"Presentation of Montserrat López"
Presentation of the speaker
Video  |  English  (3' 18'')  |  Viewed: 384 times
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
Ms. Montserrat López
Investigadora, Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA) Centro Agua del Pino
"Molecular characterization and pathologies of oysters from the Andalusian Atlantic coast"
Video  |  English  |  17' 44''  |  Viewed: 213 times
Ms. Montserrat López
Investigadora, Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA) Centro Agua del Pino
"(Question time). Molecular characterization and pathologies of oysters from the Andalusian Atlantic coast"
Video  |  English  |  3' 03''  |  Viewed: 257 times
Ms. Montserrat López
Investigadora, Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA) Centro Agua del Pino
Date of holding: 02/11/2017
Importance of sandy eaches on the recycling of organic matter
"Presentation of Begoña Araújo de Miguel"
Video  |  English  (2' 39'')  |  Viewed: 544 times
Conference introduced by Alba Hernández Otero
Ms. Begoña Araújo de Miguel
Group of Biological Oceanography, University of Vigo
"Importance of sandy eaches on the recycling of organic matter"
Video  |  English  |  11' 12''  |  Viewed: 248 times
Ms. Begoña Araújo de Miguel
Group of Biological Oceanography, University of Vigo
"(Question time) Importance of sandy eaches on the recycling of organic matter"
Video  |  English  (11' 17'')  |  Viewed: 379 times
Ms. Begoña Araújo de Miguel
Group of Biological Oceanography, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 16/11/2017
Shellfish beds in Galicia: prevention of risks caused by extreme events on commercially important bivalves
"Presentation of Rula Domínguez"
Video  |  Spanish  (2' 48'')  |  Viewed: 737 times
"Shellfish beds in Galicia: prevention of risks caused by extreme events on commercially important bivalves"
Video  |  English  |  21' 11''  |  Viewed: 444 times
Rula Domínguez
"Questions. Shellfish beds in Galicia: prevention of risks caused by extreme events on commercially important bivalves"
Video  |  English  |  7' 33''  |  Viewed: 430 times
Rula Domínguez
Date of holding: 14/12/2017
Integrated environmental assessment of anthropization processes in estuarine ecosystems
"Presentation of Marta Román"
Video  |  English  (2' 03'')  |  Viewed: 461 times
Ms. Marta Román Geada
University of Vigo
"Integrated environmental assessment of anthropization processes in estuarine ecosystems: Land use changes and matter inputs"
Video  |  English  |  24' 34''  |  Viewed: 544 times
Ms. Marta Román Geada
University of Vigo
"(Question time) Integrated environmental assessment of anthropization processes in estuarine ecosystems: Land use changes and matter inputs"
Video  |  English  (9' 19'')  |  Viewed: 509 times
Ms. Marta Román Geada
University of Vigo
Date of holding: 12/04/2018
New Approaches to Cryopreservation: Ultra Rapid Warming
"Presentation of Dr. Fritz Kleinhans"
Video  |  English  (4' 39'')  |  Viewed: 204 times
Conference introduced by Ms. Cristina Secades
Coffee with salt Coordinator, University of Vigo
Mr. Fritz Kleinhans
Associate Professor of Physics, Indiana University, Purdue University, EEUU
"New Approaches to Cryopreservation: Ultra Rapid Warming"
Video  |  English  |  35' 41''  |  Viewed: 115 times
Mr. Fritz Kleinhans
Associate Professor of Physics, Indiana University, Purdue University, EEUU
"(Question Time) New Approaches to Cryopreservation: Ultra Rapid Warming"
Video  |  English  (10' 08'')  |  Viewed: 144 times
Conference introduced by Ms. Cristina Secades
Coffee with salt Coordinator, University of Vigo
Mr. Fritz Kleinhans
Associate Professor of Physics, Indiana University, Purdue University, EEUU
Date of holding: 03/05/2018
Unraveling cancer evolution through transmissible cancers
"Unraveling cancer evolution through transmissible cancers - Presentation of Alicia L. Bruzos"
Video  |  English  (3' 10'')  |  Viewed: 147 times
Conference introduced by Ms. Cristina Secades
Coffee with salt Coordinator, University of Vigo
Ms. Alicia L. Bruzos
Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases Research Centre - CIMUS, USC
"Unraveling cancer evolution through transmissible cancers"
Video  |  English  |  14' 59''  |  Viewed: 96 times
Ms. Alicia L. Bruzos
Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases Research Centre - CIMUS, USC
"Unraveling cancer evolution through transmissible cancers - Questions"
Video  |  English  (5' 40'')  |  Viewed: 143 times
Ms. Alicia L. Bruzos
Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases Research Centre - CIMUS, USC
Date of holding: 24/05/2018
Implications of the observed climate change distributional impacts in commercial marine species
"Implications of the observed climate change distributional impacts in commercial marine species - Presentation of Alba Aguión"
Video  |  English  (2' 10'')  |  Viewed: 143 times
Conference introduced by Ms. Cristina Secades
Coffee with salt Coordinator, University of Vigo
Ms- Alba Aguión
PhD student, Campus do Mar
"Implications of the observed climate change distributional impacts in commercial marine species "
Video  |  English  |  13' 55''  |  Viewed: 107 times
Ms- Alba Aguión
PhD student, Campus do Mar
"Implications of the observed climate change distributional impacts in commercial marine species - Questions"
Video  |  English  |  9' 15''  |  Viewed: 83 times
Ms- Alba Aguión
PhD student, Campus do Mar
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