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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Risk Assessment

PhD Campus do mar - Year 2013-14

Aula 15, Faculty of Marine Sciences - Lagoas Marcosende - Vigo

Date of holding: 13/01/2014
"Fundamental principles of Ecotoxicology. "
Part I
Video private  |  English  |  98' 44''  |  Viewed: 12 times
Mr. Ricardo Beiras
Principal, Station of Marine Sciences of Toralla ECIMAT
"Fundamental principles of Ecotoxicology. "
Part II
Video private  |  English  |  77' 28''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Mr. Ricardo Beiras
Principal, Station of Marine Sciences of Toralla ECIMAT
Date of holding: 14/01/2014
"Fundamental principles of Ecotoxicology. "
Part III
Video private  |  English  |  91' 05''  |  Viewed: 6 times
Mr. Ricardo Beiras
Principal, Station of Marine Sciences of Toralla ECIMAT
"Ecosystem functioning"
Video private  |  English  |  120' 17''  |  Viewed: 5 times
Ph.D. Rui Cortés
Integrated Member and Researcher, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)
Date of holding: 15/01/2014
"Bio-indicators: survey and caracterization of aquatic communities and its role on ecological assessment"
Video private  |  English  |  122' 22''  |  Viewed: 6 times
Ph.D. Rui Cortés
Integrated Member and Researcher, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)
"Multimetric systems, bioindicators and biomarkers"
Video private  |  English  |  114' 40''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Ph.D. Rui Cortés
Integrated Member and Researcher, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)
Date of holding: 16/01/2014
"Integrative Biomonitoring in Ecotoxicology. Tools for Risk evaluation and Management"
Video private  |  English  |  114' 43''  |  Viewed: 5 times
Ph.D. Jean François Narbonne
Professor and resarcher at the CNRS, University of Bordeaux 1. French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
"Predicting Harmful Effects. Practical scenarios (Erika incident)"
Video private  |  English  |  120' 13''  |  Viewed: 8 times
Ph.D. Jean François Narbonne
Professor and resarcher at the CNRS, University of Bordeaux 1. French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Date of holding: 17/01/2014
Video private  |  English  |  71' 52''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Mr. Ricardo Beiras
Principal, Station of Marine Sciences of Toralla ECIMAT
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