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6th International Symposium Marine and Freshwater Toxins Analysis

22-25 October 2017, Baiona, Spain

Talaso Atlántico - Baiona

Date of holding: 23/10/2017
"Intervention of Ana Gago"
Video  |  English  (2' 14'')  |  Viewed: 376 times
Conference introduced by Mrs. Ana Gago Martínez
Researcher Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food, University of Vigo
"Intervention of Triantafyllos Kaloudis"
Video  |  English  (1' 32'')  |  Viewed: 385 times
Triantafyllos Kaloudis
Water Quality Control, EYDAP SA
"Intervention of Emilio Fernández"
Video  |  English  (6' 41'')  |  Viewed: 400 times
Mr. Emilio Fernández Suárez
Director, Campus do Mar
"Intervention of José Antonio Rodríguez"
Video  |  English  (5' 42'')  |  Viewed: 363 times
Mr. José Antonio Rodríguez Vázquez
Emeritus Professor of the Departament of Analytical and Alimentary Chemistry, University of Vigo
Keynote: Recent Developments in Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry of Algal Toxins
"Presentation of Michael A. Quilliam"
Video  |  English  (1' 26'')  |  Viewed: 393 times
Dr. Michael Quilliam
Conference introduced by Mrs. Ana Gago Martínez
Researcher Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food, University of Vigo
"Keynote: Recent Developments in Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry of Algal Toxins"
Intervention of Michael Quilliam
Video  |  English  |  30' 04''  |  Viewed: 198 times
Dr. Michael Quilliam
"Questions: Recent Developments in Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry of Algal Toxins"
Video  |  English  |  6' 04''  |  Viewed: 223 times
Dr. Michael Quilliam
Global changes and marine toxins: recent trends and needs in emergent toxin
"Global changes and marine toxins: recent trends and needs in emergent toxin"
Intervention of Vitor Vasconcelos
Video  |  English  |  18' 39''  |  Viewed: 271 times
Mr. Vitor Vasconcelos
Professor of Sciences, Faculty of Sciences. , University of Porto (Portugal).
Conference introduced by James Lawrence
Health Canada, CA
Chemical diversity in the genus Gambierdiscus, with focus on Ciguatoxins and Maitotoxins
"Chemical diversity in the genus Gambierdiscus, with focus on Ciguatoxins and Maitotoxins"
Intervention of Philipp Hess
Video  |  English  |  21' 28''  |  Viewed: 225 times
Philipp Hess
Conference introduced by James Lawrence
Health Canada, CA
"Questions: Chemical diversity in the genus Gambierdiscus, with focus on Ciguatoxins and Maitotoxins"
Video  |  English  (3' 51'')  |  Viewed: 362 times
Philipp Hess
LC-MS analysis of Ciguatoxins in Fish from the Tropical Western Pacific
"LC-MS analysis of Ciguatoxins in Fish from the Tropical Western Pacific"
Intervention of Naomasa Oshiro
Video  |  English  |  16' 08''  |  Viewed: 202 times
Naomasa Oshiro
National Institute of Health Sciences, Japan
Conference introduced by James Lawrence
Health Canada, CA
Identification of ciguatoxins in a shark involved in a fatal food poisoning in the Indian Ocean
"Identification of ciguatoxins in a shark involved in a fatal food poisoning in the Indian Ocean"
Intervention of Jorge Diògene
Video  |  English  |  16' 27''  |  Viewed: 199 times
Jorge Diògene
Senior Research Scientist , IRTA
Conference introduced by James Lawrence
Health Canada, CA
"Questions: Identification of ciguatoxins in a shark involved in a fatal food poisoning in the Indian Ocean"
Video  |  English  (1' 23'')  |  Viewed: 363 times
Jorge Diògene
Senior Research Scientist , IRTA
Highly sensitive and practical fluorescent sandwich ELISA for Ciguatoxins
"Highly sensitive and practical fluorescent sandwich ELISA for Ciguatoxins"
Intervention of Takeshi Tsumuraya
Video  |  English  |  19' 51''  |  Viewed: 194 times
Takeshi Tsumuraya
Osaka Prefecture University
Conference introduced by James Lawrence
Health Canada, CA
Preparation of Ciguatoxin Standards mix to facilitate identification and quantification of eight ciguatoxins in fish and Gambierdiscus spp.
"Preparation of Ciguatoxin Standards mix to facilitate identification and quantification of eight ciguatoxins in fish and Gambierdiscus spp."
Intervention of Kyoko Kuniyoshi
Video  |  English  |  12' 36''  |  Viewed: 231 times
Kyoko Kuniyoshi
Conference introduced by James Lawrence
Health Canada, CA
Presentation of EUROCIGUA project
"Presentation of EUROCIGUA project"
Intervention of Ana Canals
Video  |  English  |  13' 56''  |  Viewed: 229 times
Ana Canals
Agencia Española de Consumo, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Aecosan)
Conference introduced by Aurelia Tubaro
University of Trieste (UNITS)
Risk characterization of ciguatera food poisoning in Europe: The contribution of the research team of the University of Vigo
"Risk characterization of ciguatera food poisoning in Europe: The contribution of the research team of the University of Vigo"
Intervention of Pablo Estévez
Video  |  English  |  16' 27''  |  Viewed: 254 times
Pablo Estévez
University of Vigo
Conference introduced by Aurelia Tubaro
University of Trieste (UNITS)
Sensitive LC-MS/MS method for Palytoxin detection using cationization
"Sensitive LC-MS/MS method for Palytoxin detection using cationization"
Intervention of Arjen Gerssen
Video  |  English  |  15' 27''  |  Viewed: 196 times
Arjen Gerssen
Conference introduced by Aurelia Tubaro
University of Trieste (UNITS)
"Questions: Sensitive LC-MS/MS method for Palytoxin detection using cationization"
Video  |  English  (4' 45'')  |  Viewed: 333 times
Arjen Gerssen
Screening of Tetrodotoxin in bivalve molluscs from Galician Rias: The way from microbiology to chemistry
"Screening of Tetrodotoxin in bivalve molluscs from Galician Rias: The way from microbiology to chemistry"
Intervention of Antonio Lozano
Video  |  English  |  8' 46''  |  Viewed: 226 times
Antonio Lozano
Institute of applied microbiology - ASMECRUZ
Conference introduced by Aurelia Tubaro
University of Trieste (UNITS)
"Screening of Tetrodotoxin in bivalve molluscs from Galician Rias: The way from microbiology to chemistry"
Interventión of Jose Manuel Leão
Video  |  English  |  5' 19''  |  Viewed: 183 times
Jose Manuel Leão
Departamento de Química Analítica y Alimentaria, Facultad de Química - Universidad de Vigo
Conference introduced by Aurelia Tubaro
University of Trieste (UNITS)
"Questions: Screening of Tetrodotoxin in bivalve molluscs from Galician Rias: The way from microbiology to chemistry"
Video  |  English  (3' 49'')  |  Viewed: 352 times
Jose Manuel Leão
Departamento de Química Analítica y Alimentaria, Facultad de Química - Universidad de Vigo
Antonio Lozano
Institute of applied microbiology - ASMECRUZ
LC-HRMSn versus LC-MS/MS of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins and tetrodotoxin in microalgae and seafood
"LC-HRMSn versus LC-MS/MS of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins and tetrodotoxin in microalgae and seafood"
Intervention of Luciana Tartaglione
Video  |  English  |  15' 36''  |  Viewed: 186 times
Dr. Luciana Tartaglione
Conference introduced by Aurelia Tubaro
University of Trieste (UNITS)
"Questions: LC-HRMSn versus LC-MS/MS of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins and tetrodotoxin in microalgae and seafood"
Video  |  English  (2' 51'')  |  Viewed: 370 times
Dr. Luciana Tartaglione
Session conclusions
"Session conclusions"
Intervención of Ana Gago
Video  |  English  (3' 43'')  |  Viewed: 331 times
Mrs. Ana Gago Martínez
Researcher Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 24/10/2017
Keynote: Anatoxin-a and analogs: occurrence, biosynthesis and detection
"Presentation of Olivier Ploux"
Video  |  English  (1' 49'')  |  Viewed: 326 times
Olivier Ploux
Chimie ParisTech
Conference introduced by Triantafyllos Kaloudis
Water Quality Control, EYDAP SA
"Anatoxin-a and analogs: occurrence, biosynthesis and detection"
Intervention of Olivier Ploux
Video  |  English  |  20' 51''  |  Viewed: 194 times
Olivier Ploux
Chimie ParisTech
Conference introduced by Triantafyllos Kaloudis
Water Quality Control, EYDAP SA
"Questions: Anatoxin-a and analogs: occurrence, biosynthesis and detection"
Video  |  English  (5' 53'')  |  Viewed: 328 times
Olivier Ploux
Chimie ParisTech
Structural elucidation of toxic and non-toxic peptide variants of cyanobacteria
"Structural elucidation of toxic and non-toxic peptide variants of cyanobacteria"
Intervention of Sevasti Zervou
Video  |  English  |  16' 24''  |  Viewed: 184 times
Sevasti Zervou
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford
Conference introduced by Triantafyllos Kaloudis
Water Quality Control, EYDAP SA
"Questions: Structural elucidation of toxic and non-toxic peptide variants of cyanobacteria"
Video  |  English  (4' 24'')  |  Viewed: 327 times
Sevasti Zervou
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford
A unique biosynthetic pathway in Microcystis jointly assembles cytotoxic aeruginoguanidines and microguanidines
"A unique biosynthetic pathway in Microcystis jointly assembles cytotoxic aeruginoguanidines and microguanidines"
Intervention of Muriel Gugger
Video  |  English  |  17' 51''  |  Viewed: 221 times
Muriel Gugger
Institut Pasteur
Conference introduced by Triantafyllos Kaloudis
Water Quality Control, EYDAP SA
"Questions: A unique biosynthetic pathway in Microcystis jointly assembles cytotoxic aeruginoguanidines and microguanidines"
Video  |  English  (4' 48'')  |  Viewed: 326 times
Muriel Gugger
Institut Pasteur
Development of work-flows for the determination of multi-class cyanotoxins in biomass and water
"Development of work-flows for the determination of multi-class cyanotoxins in biomass and water"
Intervention of Anastasia Hiskia
Video  |  English  |  19' 45''  |  Viewed: 186 times
Dr. Anastasia Hiskia
Institute of Physical Chemistry. NCSR Demokritos
Conference introduced by Triantafyllos Kaloudis
Water Quality Control, EYDAP SA
"Questions: Development of work-flows for the determination of multi-class cyanotoxins in biomass and water"
Video  |  English  (4' 11'')  |  Viewed: 324 times
Dr. Anastasia Hiskia
Institute of Physical Chemistry. NCSR Demokritos
Analytical strategies for suspect and non-target screening of cyanobacterial toxins
"Analytical strategies for suspect and non-target screening of cyanobacterial toxins"
Intervention of Christophoros Christophoridis
Video  |  English  |  17' 17''  |  Viewed: 181 times
Christophoros Christophoridis
National Research Center “Demokritos”
Conference introduced by Dr. Anastasia Hiskia
Institute of Physical Chemistry. NCSR Demokritos
"Questions: Analytical strategies for suspect and non-target screening of cyanobacterial toxins"
Video  |  English  (1' 19'')  |  Viewed: 346 times
Christophoros Christophoridis
National Research Center “Demokritos”
Current understandings and challenges on the presence and analysis of the neurotoxin BMAA
"Current understandings and challenges on the presence and analysis of the neurotoxin BMAA"
Intervention of Els Faassen
Video  |  English  |  16' 46''  |  Viewed: 181 times
Els Faassen
Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management, Wageningen University
Conference introduced by Dr. Anastasia Hiskia
Institute of Physical Chemistry. NCSR Demokritos
"Questions: Current understandings and challenges on the presence and analysis of the neurotoxin BMAA"
Video  |  English  (1' 14'')  |  Viewed: 286 times
Els Faassen
Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management, Wageningen University
Evolution of analytical methods for regulatory monitoring of microcystins: Are we there yet?
"Evolution of analytical methods for regulatory monitoring of microcystins: Are we there yet?"
Intervention of Triantafyllos Kaloudis
Video  |  English  |  34' 51''  |  Viewed: 195 times
Triantafyllos Kaloudis
Water Quality Control, EYDAP SA
Conference introduced by Dr. Anastasia Hiskia
Institute of Physical Chemistry. NCSR Demokritos
"Questions: Evolution of analytical methods for regulatory monitoring of microcystins: Are we there yet?"
Video  |  English  (3' 04'')  |  Viewed: 280 times
Triantafyllos Kaloudis
Water Quality Control, EYDAP SA
Date of holding: 25/10/2017
Toxic equivalent factors (TEFs) of azaspiracid 1, -2, -3 after acute oral exposure in mice
"Toxic equivalent factors (TEFs) of azaspiracid 1, -2, -3 after acute oral exposure in mice"
Intervention of Marco Pelin
Video  |  English  |  19' 01''  |  Viewed: 237 times
Marco Pelin
University of Trieste (UNITS)
Conference introduced by Philipp Hess
"Questions: Toxic equivalent factors (TEFs) of azaspiracid 1, -2, -3 after acute oral exposure in mice"
Video  |  English  (6' 10'')  |  Viewed: 348 times
Marco Pelin
University of Trieste (UNITS)
Development of immunoaffinity columns for purification of the marine toxins azaspiracids
"Development of immunoaffinity columns for purification of the marine toxins azaspiracids"
Intervention of Ingunn A. Samdal
Video  |  English  |  16' 12''  |  Viewed: 207 times
Ingunn A. Samdal
Section for Chemistry and Toxicology, Norwegian Veterinary Institute
Conference introduced by Philipp Hess
"Questions: Development of immunoaffinity columns for purification of the marine toxins azaspiracids"
Video  |  English  (3' 28'')  |  Viewed: 320 times
Ingunn A. Samdal
Section for Chemistry and Toxicology, Norwegian Veterinary Institute
Use of the phytoxigene multi-plex qPCR assay as a harmful algal screening tool for monitoring inland lakes, waterways and marine environments
"Use of the phytoxigene multi-plex qPCR assay as a harmful algal screening tool for monitoring inland lakes, waterways and marine environments"
Intervention of Mark Van Asten
Video  |  English  |  32' 13''  |  Viewed: 194 times
Mark Van Asten
Conference introduced by Philipp Hess
"Questions: Use of the phytoxigene multi-plex qPCR assay as a harmful algal screening tool for monitoring inland lakes, waterways and marine environments"
Video  |  English  (3' 07'')  |  Viewed: 344 times
Mark Van Asten
Regulatory monitoring of marine toxins in New Zealand shellfish
"Regulatory monitoring of marine toxins in New Zealand shellfish"
Intervention of Tim Hardwood
Video  |  English  |  26' 09''  |  Viewed: 174 times
Tim Hardwood
Cawthron Institute
Conference introduced by Arjen Gerssen
"Questions: Regulatory monitoring of marine toxins in New Zealand shellfish"
Video  |  English  (2' 24'')  |  Viewed: 323 times
Tim Hardwood
Cawthron Institute
First observation of domoic acid in plankton net samples and associated toxicity of shells Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Black Sea, Bulgaria
"First observation of domoic acid in plankton net samples and associated toxicity of shells Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Black Sea, Bulgaria"
Intervention of Zlatina Peteva
Video  |  English  |  17' 26''  |  Viewed: 258 times
Zlatina Peteva
Department of Chemistry, Medical University of Varna
Conference introduced by Arjen Gerssen
"Questions: First observation of domoic acid in plankton net samples and associated toxicity of shells Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Black Sea, Bulgaria"
Video  |  English  (1' 41'')  |  Viewed: 346 times
Zlatina Peteva
Department of Chemistry, Medical University of Varna
Qualitative toxin profiling of CRM-FDMT1 by High Resolution-Mass Spectrometry
"Qualitative toxin profiling of CRM-FDMT1 by High Resolution-Mass Spectrometry"
Intervention of Pearse McCarron
Video  |  English  |  32' 12''  |  Viewed: 214 times
Pearse McCarron
Measurement Science and Standards Research Area, National Research Council Canada (NRC)
Conference introduced by Arjen Gerssen
Roundtable: Future prospects and challenges for toxin analysis and Harmonization
"Roundtable: Future prospects and challenges for toxin analysis and Harmonization"
Video  |  English  (87' 59'')  |  Viewed: 314 times
Conference introduced by Mrs. Ana Gago Martínez
Researcher Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food, University of Vigo
Conference introduced by Dr. Michael Quilliam
Conference introduced by James Lawrence
Health Canada, CA
Closing and Remarks
"Intervention of Ana Gago"
Video  |  English  (3' 52'')  |  Viewed: 371 times
Mrs. Ana Gago Martínez
Researcher Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food, University of Vigo
"Intervention of Paolo Caricato"
Video  |  English  (2' 58'')  |  Viewed: 346 times
Conference introduced by Mrs. Ana Gago Martínez
Researcher Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food, University of Vigo
Paolo Caricato
Deputy Head, Unit European Commission Health
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