"Intervention of Ana Gago"
"Intervention of Triantafyllos Kaloudis"
"Intervention of Emilio Fernández"
"Intervention of José Antonio Rodríguez"
"Presentation of Michael A. Quilliam"
"Keynote: Recent Developments in Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry of Algal Toxins"
Intervention of Michael Quilliam
"Questions: Recent Developments in Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry of Algal Toxins"
"Global changes and marine toxins: recent trends and needs in emergent toxin"
Intervention of Vitor Vasconcelos
"Chemical diversity in the genus Gambierdiscus, with focus on Ciguatoxins and Maitotoxins"
Intervention of Philipp Hess
"Questions: Chemical diversity in the genus Gambierdiscus, with focus on Ciguatoxins and Maitotoxins"
"LC-MS analysis of Ciguatoxins in Fish from the Tropical Western Pacific"
Intervention of Naomasa Oshiro
"Identification of ciguatoxins in a shark involved in a fatal food poisoning in the Indian Ocean"
Intervention of Jorge Diògene
"Questions: Identification of ciguatoxins in a shark involved in a fatal food poisoning in the Indian Ocean"
"Highly sensitive and practical fluorescent sandwich ELISA for Ciguatoxins"
Intervention of Takeshi Tsumuraya
"Preparation of Ciguatoxin Standards mix to facilitate identification and quantification of eight ciguatoxins in fish and Gambierdiscus spp."
Intervention of Kyoko Kuniyoshi
"Presentation of EUROCIGUA project"
Intervention of Ana Canals
"Risk characterization of ciguatera food poisoning in Europe: The contribution of the research team of the University of Vigo"
Intervention of Pablo Estévez
"Sensitive LC-MS/MS method for Palytoxin detection using cationization"
Intervention of Arjen Gerssen
"Questions: Sensitive LC-MS/MS method for Palytoxin detection using cationization"
"Screening of Tetrodotoxin in bivalve molluscs from Galician Rias: The way from microbiology to chemistry"
Intervention of Antonio Lozano
"Screening of Tetrodotoxin in bivalve molluscs from Galician Rias: The way from microbiology to chemistry"
Interventión of Jose Manuel Leão
"Questions: Screening of Tetrodotoxin in bivalve molluscs from Galician Rias: The way from microbiology to chemistry"
"LC-HRMSn versus LC-MS/MS of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins and tetrodotoxin in microalgae and seafood"
Intervention of Luciana Tartaglione
"Questions: LC-HRMSn versus LC-MS/MS of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins and tetrodotoxin in microalgae and seafood"
"Presentation of Olivier Ploux"
"Anatoxin-a and analogs: occurrence, biosynthesis and detection"
Intervention of Olivier Ploux
"Questions: Anatoxin-a and analogs: occurrence, biosynthesis and detection"
"Structural elucidation of toxic and non-toxic peptide variants of cyanobacteria"
Intervention of Sevasti Zervou
"Questions: Structural elucidation of toxic and non-toxic peptide variants of cyanobacteria"
"A unique biosynthetic pathway in Microcystis jointly assembles cytotoxic aeruginoguanidines and microguanidines"
Intervention of Muriel Gugger
"Questions: A unique biosynthetic pathway in Microcystis jointly assembles cytotoxic aeruginoguanidines and microguanidines"
"Development of work-flows for the determination of multi-class cyanotoxins in biomass and water"
Intervention of Anastasia Hiskia
"Questions: Development of work-flows for the determination of multi-class cyanotoxins in biomass and water"
"Analytical strategies for suspect and non-target screening of cyanobacterial toxins"
Intervention of Christophoros Christophoridis
"Questions: Analytical strategies for suspect and non-target screening of cyanobacterial toxins"
"Current understandings and challenges on the presence and analysis of the neurotoxin BMAA"
Intervention of Els Faassen
"Questions: Current understandings and challenges on the presence and analysis of the neurotoxin BMAA"
"Evolution of analytical methods for regulatory monitoring of microcystins: Are we there yet?"
Intervention of Triantafyllos Kaloudis
"Questions: Evolution of analytical methods for regulatory monitoring of microcystins: Are we there yet?"
"Toxic equivalent factors (TEFs) of azaspiracid 1, -2, -3 after acute oral exposure in mice"
Intervention of Marco Pelin
"Questions: Toxic equivalent factors (TEFs) of azaspiracid 1, -2, -3 after acute oral exposure in mice"
"Development of immunoaffinity columns for purification of the marine toxins azaspiracids"
Intervention of Ingunn A. Samdal
"Questions: Development of immunoaffinity columns for purification of the marine toxins azaspiracids"
"Use of the phytoxigene multi-plex qPCR assay as a harmful algal screening tool for monitoring inland lakes, waterways and marine environments"
Intervention of Mark Van Asten
"Questions: Use of the phytoxigene multi-plex qPCR assay as a harmful algal screening tool for monitoring inland lakes, waterways and marine environments"
"Regulatory monitoring of marine toxins in New Zealand shellfish"
Intervention of Tim Hardwood
"Questions: Regulatory monitoring of marine toxins in New Zealand shellfish"
"First observation of domoic acid in plankton net samples and associated toxicity of shells Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Black Sea, Bulgaria"
Intervention of Zlatina Peteva
"Questions: First observation of domoic acid in plankton net samples and associated toxicity of shells Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Black Sea, Bulgaria"
"Qualitative toxin profiling of CRM-FDMT1 by High Resolution-Mass Spectrometry"
Intervention of Pearse McCarron
"Roundtable: Future prospects and challenges for toxin analysis and Harmonization"
"Intervention of Ana Gago"
"Intervention of Paolo Caricato"