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Universal Antiquity History 19/20

2.1 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultades Building. Campus de Ourense

"Brief reflection on antiquity"
Video  |  Spanish  (13' 27'')  |  Viewed: 541 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"Presentation of the subject. Universal Ancient History"
Video  |  Spanish  |  19' 06''  |  Viewed: 69 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"Introduction. Universal Ancient History"
Video  |  Spanish  |  37' 28''  |  Viewed: 107 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"Concepts and limits of Universal Ancient History"
Video  |  Spanish  |  43' 59''  |  Viewed: 465 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"Introduction to Ancient History of Hellas and the Bronze Age:"
Cretan and Mycenaean Cultures
Video  |  Spanish  |  46' 11''  |  Viewed: 663 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
Archaic Period (750 - 479 b. C.)
"Archaic Period (750 - 479 b. C.)"
Part I
Video  |  Spanish  |  63' 08''  |  Viewed: 672 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"Archaic Period (750 - 479 b. C.)"
Part II
Video  |  Spanish  |  35' 59''  |  Viewed: 396 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"The Dark Age"
Part II
Video  |  Spanish  |  36' 09''  |  Viewed: 598 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"Clasic Time 1 (Part I)"
The heyday of Athens
Video  |  Spanish  |  49' 38''  |  Viewed: 608 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"Clasic Time 1 (Part II)"
The Peloponnesian War
Video  |  Spanish  |  16' 52''  |  Viewed: 417 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"4th century - part 1"
Video  |  Spanish  |  31' 24''  |  Viewed: 457 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"4th century - part 2"
Rise of Macedonia
Video  |  Spanish  |  36' 48''  |  Viewed: 416 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"Menelao's feats"
Video  |  Spanish  |  47' 47''  |  Viewed: 429 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"the odyssey part IX"
Video  |  Spanish  (37' 18'')  |  Viewed: 443 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"The Conolization"
Video  |  Spanish  (25' 01'')  |  Viewed: 334 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"The beyond Ancient Greece"
Video  |  English  |  31' 11''  |  Viewed: 177 times
Mr. Alejandro González-Anleo Martínez
Student of Universal Ancient History, University of Vigo
"The festivities in Ancient Greece"
Video  |  Spanish  |  18' 54''  |  Viewed: 215 times
Mr. Iván Díez Fernández
Student of Universal Ancient History, University of Vigo
"Thucydides and our age"
Video  |  English  |  73' 13''  |  Viewed: 208 times
Mr. Moncho Fernández
graduate in geography and history and current coach of the Obradoiro
"Egypt: The forms of power and territory"
Video  |  Spanish  |  59' 17''  |  Viewed: 311 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"The society in ancient Egypt"
Video  |  Spanish  |  52' 11''  |  Viewed: 98 times
Ms. Susana Reboreda Morillo
Professor of Ancient History. Faculty of History, University of Vigo
"Introduction to the religion of the ancient Egypt"
Part I
Video  |  Spanish  |  20' 40''  |  Viewed: 369 times
Ms. Iria Souto Castro
Faculty of history, University of Vigo
"Introduction to the religion of the ancient Egypt"
Part II
Video  |  Spanish  |  18' 59''  |  Viewed: 366 times
Ms. Iria Souto Castro
Faculty of history, University of Vigo
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