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Plastics in the marine environment: a global problem

OCEANTICA. Educational project CTS Campus do Mar

Sala de eventos , IES Labor University of Culleredo - A Coruña

Date of holding: 18/06/2014
"Soledad Muniategui Lorenzo presentation"
Video  |  Spanish  (2' 02'')  |  Viewed: 1938 times
Video  |  Spanish  (2' 02'')  |  Viewed: 1938 times
Conference introduced by Manuel Tajes
IES Labor University
"Plastics in the marine environment: a global problem"
OCEANTICA. Educational project CTS Campus do Mar
Video  |  Spanish  (48' 35'')  |  Viewed: 3532 times
Soledad Muniategui Lorenzo
Professor. Area Analytical Chemistry, University of A Coruña
"Questions Plastics in the marine environment: a global problem"
Video  |  Spanish  (3' 38'')  |  Viewed: 1345 times
Soledad Muniategui Lorenzo
Professor. Area Analytical Chemistry, University of A Coruña
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