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Doctorate in communication

A6 - Automatic recording classroom, Faculty of Education and Sport - Campus A Xunqueira - Pontevedra

Date of holding: 04/06/2015
"Research methodology"
Part I
Video private  |  Spanish  |  101' 28''  |  Viewed: 404 times
Mr. José David Urchaga Litago
Professor at the University of Salamanca
"Research methodology"
Part II
Video private  |  Spanish  |  91' 45''  |  Viewed: 295 times
Mr. José David Urchaga Litago
Professor at the University of Salamanca
Date of holding: 05/06/2015
"Research methodology"
Part III
Video private  |  Spanish  |  76' 25''  |  Viewed: 307 times
Mr. José David Urchaga Litago
Professor at the University of Salamanca
"Research methodology"
Part IV
Video private  |  Spanish  |  84' 06''  |  Viewed: 183 times
Mr. José David Urchaga Litago
Professor at the University of Salamanca
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