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I International Biennial on Architecture Education for Children and Youngsters

Living the common space from a playful perspective: from the schoolyard to the city as a game board

E16 - Automatic recording classroom, Faculty of Arts - Pontevedra

Date of holding: 07/10/2016
El nos-otros como lugar y el lugar del nos-otros: habitar y ser habitado.
"The Inhabited identity"
Pedagogías para habitar(nos): Ser lugar con y en otros.
Video  |  Spanish  |  30' 40''  |  Viewed: 1676 times
Ms. Vita Martínez Vérez
PhD in Sociology, author of publications related to socialization processes, UNED A Coruña
Acciones que crean espacios, espacios que crean acciones: Proyectos y experiencias.
"Word action"
Acciones que crean espacios, espacios que crean acciones: Proyectos y experiencias.
Video  |  Spanish  |  4' 50''  |  Viewed: 1608 times
Ms. Vita Martínez Vérez
PhD in Sociology, author of publications related to socialization processes, UNED A Coruña
Date of holding: 11/11/2016
Work tables
"Proxecto Terra"
Video  |  English  |  18' 51''  |  Viewed: 809 times
Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
"Architecture Education in Galicia"
Presentation of proxects
Video  |  English  |  18' 10''  |  Viewed: 714 times
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
Mr, Román Corbato
Architect and Artist
"Open workshop"
Video  |  English  |  19' 27''  |  Viewed: 954 times
Ms. Marta Guirado
Arquitecta e integrante de Taller Abierto de Pontevedra
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
"Arquitectura sen fronteiras"
Dereito ao hábitat
Video  |  English  |  29' 13''  |  Viewed: 652 times
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
Mr. Alberto Fortes
Componente de ASF Galicia
Ms. Lucia Cernuda
Componente de ASF Galicia
Ms. Soledad Bugallo
Componente de ASF Galicia
"Lupo in the shcool"
Video  |  English  |  29' 51''  |  Viewed: 948 times
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
Mr. Fermin Blanco
Architect and creator of the LUPO System of Coruña
"How is the city we want?"
Video  |  English  |  25' 27''  |  Viewed: 592 times
Ms. Pilar Sánchez
Arquitecta con estudio en Coruña, Pernas Varela Arquitectos
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
"Inhabited Landscapes"
Video  |  English  |  26' 17''  |  Viewed: 607 times
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
Ms. Marta Somoza
Arquitecta Member of the group Re-Creo de Ourense
Learning space and pedagogical creativity
Video  |  English  |  34' 15''  |  Viewed: 634 times
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
Mr. Jon Urbieta
Arquitecto e Integrante do colectivo Maumarela de Ribadeo
"Conclusions and Colloquium"
Video  |  English  |  12' 47''  |  Viewed: 537 times
Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
Date of holding: 21/11/2016
Work tables
"Little Dipper"
Video  |  English  |  58' 45''  |  Viewed: 720 times
Mr. Jorge Raedó
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
"To live from the ludic"
From the schoolyard to the city as a game board
Video  |  English  |  41' 25''  |  Viewed: 568 times
Ms. Virginia Navarro
Architect and Member of the collective CuartoCreciente de Sevilla, Coordinator of LUDANTIA
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
"La Casa de Tomasa"
Video  |  English  |  59' 23''  |  Viewed: 967 times
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
Ms. Carmen Cerezo Pérez
Arquitecta e Integrante de La casa de Tomasa de Cordoba
Video  |  English  |  54' 09''  |  Viewed: 875 times
Conference introduced by Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
Ms. Anabel Varona
Arquitecta e Integrante de Maushaus de San Sebastian
Mr. Carlos Urruti
Arquitecto e Integrante de Maushaus de San Sebastian
"Question Time"
Video  |  Spanish  (29' 46'')  |  Viewed: 756 times
Mr. Xosé M. Rosales
Coordinador do ProxectoTERRA
Date of holding: 03/03/2017
Re-Thinking School Playgrounds
"Presentation of Re-Thinking School Playgrounds"
Video  |  Spanish  |  7' 18''  |  Viewed: 721 times
Ms. Virginia Navarro
Architect and Member of the collective CuartoCreciente de Sevilla, Coordinator of LUDANTIA
"Elkartoki: the school community analyzing, imagining and building their own space"
Video  |  Spanish  |  48' 42''  |  Viewed: 715 times
Mrs. Ane Abarrategi Zaitegi
Co-founder Partner, Ttipi studio
Conference introduced by Ms. Virginia Navarro
Architect and Member of the collective CuartoCreciente de Sevilla, Coordinator of LUDANTIA
"Elkartoki: the school community analyzing, imagining and building their own space"
Question time
Video  |  Spanish  (8' 40'')  |  Viewed: 581 times
Mrs. Ane Abarrategi Zaitegi
Co-founder Partner, Ttipi studio
"Micos Project: micro-interventions in schools to transform public educational spaces"
Video  |  Spanish  |  52' 02''  |  Viewed: 775 times
Mrs. Patricia Leal
Architect by ETSAM (Polytechnic University of Madrid). Building Specialty
Conference introduced by Ms. Virginia Navarro
Architect and Member of the collective CuartoCreciente de Sevilla, Coordinator of LUDANTIA
"Micos Project: micro-interventions in schools to transform public educational spaces"
Question time
Video  |  Spanish  (16' 36'')  |  Viewed: 634 times
Mrs. Patricia Leal
Architect by ETSAM (Polytechnic University of Madrid). Building Specialty
"CoCreable: co-creation to re-design educational spaces"
Video  |  Spanish  |  38' 32''  |  Viewed: 510 times
Mr. Lluís Sabadell Artiga
Artist, performer, and designer, University of Barcelona
Conference introduced by Ms. Virginia Navarro
Architect and Member of the collective CuartoCreciente de Sevilla, Coordinator of LUDANTIA
"CoCreable: co-creation to re-design educational spaces"
Question time
Video  |  Spanish  (45' 43'')  |  Viewed: 674 times
Mr. Lluís Sabadell Artiga
Artist, performer, and designer, University of Barcelona
"Dream the schoolyard, transform the school"
Part I
Video  |  Spanish  |  118' 01''  |  Viewed: 588 times
Mrs. Carme Cols
Elementary Teacher,
Mr. Pitu Fernández
Elementary Teacher,
Conference introduced by Ms. Virginia Navarro
Architect and Member of the collective CuartoCreciente de Sevilla, Coordinator of LUDANTIA
"Dream the schoolyard, transform the school"
Part II
Video  |  Spanish  |  22' 28''  |  Viewed: 437 times
Mrs. Carme Cols
Elementary Teacher,
Mr. Pitu Fernández
Elementary Teacher,
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