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Models of Technology Transfer and Innovation

Campus do Mar Entrepreneurship Conferences Cycle

Auditorio, Cultural Center Novacaixagalicia - A Coruña

Date of holding: 25/06/2013
"Opening act"
Video  |  English  (1' 03'')  |  Viewed: 2241 times
Antonio Abril Abadín
Company Secretary, INDITEX
"Juan Carlos Bugallo Taibo intervention"
Video  |  English  (5' 03'')  |  Viewed: 3039 times
Mr. Viraj Perera
Senior Consultant, Isis Enterprise
Juan Carlos Bugallo Taibo
Managing Director of the University of Coruña Foundation
"Emilio Fernández Suarez intervention"
Video  |  English  (6' 02'')  |  Viewed: 2441 times
Mr. Emilio Fernández Suárez
Director, Campus do Mar
"Antonio Abril Abadín Intervention"
Video  |  English  (8' 30'')  |  Viewed: 4106 times
Antonio Abril Abadín
Company Secretary, INDITEX
"Models of Technology Transfer and Innovation"
Video  |  English  (87' 22'')  |  Viewed: 4737 times
Mr. Viraj Perera
Senior Consultant, Isis Enterprise
"Models of Technology Transfer and Innovation. Questions"
Video  |  English  (6' 19'')  |  Viewed: 2652 times
Video  |  English  (6' 19'')  |  Viewed: 2652 times
Video  |  English  (6' 19'')  |  Viewed: 2652 times
Mr. Viraj Perera
Senior Consultant, Isis Enterprise
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