Spanish and World Economy
1st Year of Degree in Business Management
Theme 3 \n 29/01/2013
Theme 3 - Session 1
- Video | Spanish | 90' 09''
: Mr. Miguel RodríguezProfessor of the Applied Economics Department, University of Vigo.
Theme 3 \n 05/02/2013
Theme 3 - Session 2
- Video | Spanish | 89' 10''
: Mr. Miguel RodríguezProfessor of the Applied Economics Department, University of Vigo.
Theme 4 \n 19/02/2013
Theme 4: The developing countries
- Video | Spanish | 94' 53''
: Mr. Miguel RodríguezProfessor of the Applied Economics Department, University of Vigo.
Theme 4 \n 26/02/2013
Theme 4: The developing countries - Session 2
- Video | Spanish | 98' 02''
: Mr. Miguel RodríguezProfessor of the Applied Economics Department, University of Vigo.
Theme 5 \n 5/03/2013
Theme 5: The Spanish economic development
- Video | Spanish | 89' 09''
: Mr. Miguel RodríguezProfessor of the Applied Economics Department, University of Vigo.
Theme 5 \n 12/03/2013
Theme 5: The Spanish economic development - Session 2
- Video | Spanish | 94' 15''
: Mr. Miguel RodríguezProfessor of the Applied Economics Department, University of Vigo.
Theme 6 \n 19/03/2013
Theme 6: The public sector
- Video | Spanish | 102' 32''
: Mr. Miguel RodríguezProfessor of the Applied Economics Department, University of Vigo.
Theme 6 \n 2/04/2013
Theme 6: The public sector - Session 2
- Video | Spanish | 115' 20''
: Mr. Miguel RodríguezProfessor of the Applied Economics Department, University of Vigo.
Theme 7 \n 9/04/2013
Theme 7: Current affairs
- Video | Spanish | 85' 32''
: Mr. Miguel RodríguezProfessor of the Applied Economics Department, University of Vigo.
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