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Master of Nutrition 18 / 19

Date of holding: 10/10/2018
"Nutrition postgraduate presentation 18 / 19"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  60' 30''  |  Viewed: 61 times
Mr. Lucas González Matías
Functional Biology Department and Health Sciences, University of Vigo
"HUMAN NUTRITION: General structure of the digestive system (I)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  102' 22''  |  Viewed: 67 times
Ph.D. Encarnación de Miguel Villegas
Associate Professor. Department of Functional Biology and Health Sciences, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 11/10/2018
"HUMAN NUTRITION: General structure of the digestive system (II)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  101' 20''  |  Viewed: 44 times
Ph.D. Encarnación de Miguel Villegas
Associate Professor. Department of Functional Biology and Health Sciences, University of Vigo
"BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY: Endocrine System general concepts (I)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  60' 03''  |  Viewed: 39 times
Mr. Federico Mallo Ferrer
Physiology Professor, University of Vigo
"BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY: Endocrine System general concepts (II)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  47' 09''  |  Viewed: 56 times
Mr. Federico Mallo Ferrer
Physiology Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 22/10/2018
"Basic and Clinical Endocrinology: Endocrine System General Concepts II"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  88' 06''  |  Viewed: 62 times
Mr. Federico Mallo Ferrer
Physiology Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 24/10/2018
"Neuroendocrinology: Structure and function of the hypothalamus."
Video private  |  Spanish  |  85' 20''  |  Viewed: 63 times
Ms. PhD Yolanda Diz-Chaves
Researcher and Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 22/10/2018
"Human nutrition general structure of the digestive system"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  103' 13''  |  Viewed: 47 times
Ph.D. Encarnación de Miguel Villegas
Associate Professor. Department of Functional Biology and Health Sciences, University of Vigo
"Human nutrition: Vitamin D."
Video private  |  Spanish  |  118' 03''  |  Viewed: 58 times
Dr. Joaquín San José Arango
Family doctor
Date of holding: 19/10/2018
"Human nutrition general structure of the digestive system (IV)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  103' 50''  |  Viewed: 31 times
"Basic and Clinical Endocrinology: intake and metabolism of iodine . Hypothyroidism."
Video private  |  Spanish  |  119' 39''  |  Viewed: 51 times
Dr. Ricardo García-Mayor García
Chief of Endocrinology Service, General Hospital of Vigo
Date of holding: 24/10/2018
"Neuroendocrinology: The pituitary gland"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  115' 22''  |  Viewed: 53 times
Mr. Federico Mallo Ferrer
Physiology Professor, University of Vigo
"Basic and Clinical Endocrinology: Dyslipemias"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  111' 11''  |  Viewed: 42 times
Dr. Joaquín San José Arango
Family doctor
Date of holding: 25/10/2018
"Metabolism and its pathology: glycolysis"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  111' 15''  |  Viewed: 77 times
Mr. Alejandro de Carlos Villamarín
Biochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 26/10/2018
"Basic and Clinical Endocrinology: hyperthyroidism. thyroid masses"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  82' 55''  |  Viewed: 27 times
Dr. Ricardo García-Mayor García
Chief of Endocrinology Service, General Hospital of Vigo
"Human nutrition energy balances, anabolism and catabolism and regulatory hormones"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  102' 36''  |  Viewed: 33 times
Manuel Penín Álvarez
Medical specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
Date of holding: 31/10/2018
"HUMAN NUTRITION: Nutrition in the stages of life"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  114' 11''  |  Viewed: 22 times
Manuel Penín Álvarez
Medical specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
Date of holding: 02/11/2018
"HUMAN NUTRITION: Fashionable diets"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  115' 16''  |  Viewed: 29 times
Dr. Joaquín San José Arango
Family doctor
"METABOLISM AND PATHOLOGY Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetological Education"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  103' 49''  |  Viewed: 30 times
PhD. Reyes Luna Cano
Endocrinologist, University Hospital Complex of Vigo (CHUVI)
"HUMAN NUTRITION: Hepatic Function"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  82' 25''  |  Viewed: 37 times
Juan Turnes Vázquez
Department of Gastroenterology, Pontevedra Hospital Complex
Date of holding: 07/11/2018
"Metabolism and its pathology: Citric acid cycle"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  108' 03''  |  Viewed: 46 times
Mr. Alejandro de Carlos Villamarín
Biochemistry Department, University of Vigo
"Neuroendocrinology: the brain barrier"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  98' 51''  |  Viewed: 23 times
Dr. Carlos Spuch Calvar
Disorder and mental health Research Group, Rebullón Psychiatric Hospital. Institute of Biomedical Research of Vigo (IBIV)
Date of holding: 08/11/2018
"Metabolism and its pathology: oxidation of fatty acids"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  104' 31''  |  Viewed: 42 times
Mr. Alejandro de Carlos Villamarín
Biochemistry Department, University of Vigo
"Metabolism and its pathology: pancreatic islet and regulation of insulin secretion"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  107' 57''  |  Viewed: 45 times
Mr. Federico Mallo Ferrer
Physiology Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 09/11/2018
"METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY: Treatment of diabetes and insulin therapy"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  92' 51''  |  Viewed: 21 times
PhD. Reyes Luna Cano
Endocrinologist, University Hospital Complex of Vigo (CHUVI)
"NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY: Biological rhythms and melatonin"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  108' 18''  |  Viewed: 44 times
Date of holding: 14/11/2018
"METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY: Oxidation of amino acids and Urea production"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  102' 00''  |  Viewed: 37 times
Mr. Alejandro de Carlos Villamarín
Biochemistry Department, University of Vigo
"BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY: Metabolism calcium-phosphorus-magnesium and its pathology (I)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  113' 55''  |  Viewed: 57 times
Jaime Lorenzo Carrero
Endocrinology Service, POVISA - Hospital Sant-Luc [Bruselas]
Date of holding: 16/11/2018
"NEUROENDOCRINOLOGÍA: Hormonas y conducta (I)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  111' 54''  |  Viewed: 35 times
Dr. Raquel Gómez de Heras
Department of Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, UCM
"NEUROENDOCRINOLOXÍA: hormonas e comportamento (II)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  101' 15''  |  Viewed: 15 times
Dr. Raquel Gómez de Heras
Department of Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, UCM
Date of holding: 21/11/2018
"METABOLISMO Y SU PATOLOGÍA: Biosíntesis de glúcidos"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  104' 51''  |  Viewed: 20 times
Mr. Alejandro de Carlos Villamarín
Biochemistry Department, University of Vigo
"NEUROENDOCRINOLOGÍA. Control de la ingesta y regulación"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  96' 09''  |  Viewed: 31 times
Mr. Miguel López
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela
Date of holding: 22/11/2018
Video private  |  Spanish  |  104' 19''  |  Viewed: 27 times
Mr. Alejandro de Carlos Villamarín
Biochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 23/11/2018
"METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. New Technologies in diabetes. Gestational Diabetes"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  98' 27''  |  Viewed: 15 times
PhD. Reyes Luna Cano
Endocrinologist, University Hospital Complex of Vigo (CHUVI)
"NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Lactotrope Axis: Prolactin (PRL)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  124' 10''  |  Viewed: 25 times
Dr. Carlos Spuch Calvar
Disorder and mental health Research Group, Rebullón Psychiatric Hospital. Institute of Biomedical Research of Vigo (IBIV)
Date of holding: 28/11/2018
"Neuroendocrinology Somatotropic axis: Growth hormone"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  107' 52''  |  Viewed: 31 times
Mr. Lucas González
Phd in Biology, University of Vigo
"Metabolism and its pathology pathophysiology and clinical management of obesity"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  98' 15''  |  Viewed: 22 times
Ms. Paula Sánchez Sobrino
MD. Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition , Montecelo Hospital
Date of holding: 29/11/2018
"Basic and clinical endocrinology the adrenal gland"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  76' 59''  |  Viewed: 48 times
Ms. PhD Yolanda Diz-Chaves
Researcher and Professor at the University of Vigo
"Neuroendocrinology evaluation of hypothalamic masses and adenomas"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  77' 42''  |  Viewed: 28 times
Ms. Concepción Páramo Fernández
Doctor, University HC of Vigo
Date of holding: 30/11/2018
"Human nutrition sensory system: taste and Smell (I)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  55' 51''  |  Viewed: 24 times
Mr. José Antonio Lamas Castro
Professor, University of Vigo
"Basic and clinical Endocrinology the adrenal gland II"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  91' 06''  |  Viewed: 35 times
Ms. PhD Yolanda Diz-Chaves
Researcher and Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 05/12/2018
Video private  |  Spanish  |  105' 28''  |  Viewed: 41 times
Ms Pilar Santiesteban
Institute for Biomedical Research, CSIC
Video private  |  Spanish  |  48' 09''  |  Viewed: 15 times
Ms Pilar Santiesteban
Institute for Biomedical Research, CSIC
Date of holding: 12/12/2018
"HUMAN NUTRITION Sensory system: Taste and Smell (II)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  81' 41''  |  Viewed: 21 times
Mr. José Antonio Lamas Castro
Professor, University of Vigo
"METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Metabolism integration"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  95' 06''  |  Viewed: 33 times
Mr. Alejandro de Carlos Villamarín
Biochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 14/12/2018
"HUMAN NUTRITION Sensory system: Taste and Smell (III)"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  84' 57''  |  Viewed: 14 times
Mr. José Antonio Lamas Castro
Professor, University of Vigo
"NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY: Reproductive and Nutrition Function"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  92' 08''  |  Viewed: 19 times
Ms. PhD Yolanda Diz-Chaves
Researcher and Professor at the University of Vigo
Date of holding: 19/12/2018
"HUMAN NUTRITION: Nutrition and sports: energy metabolism in exercise and nutritional assessment of the athlete"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  113' 59''  |  Viewed: 30 times
Mr. José Luis García Soidán
Professor of Physiology, First Aid, Biological Bases of motion in the Faculty of Education Pontevedra
Date of holding: 20/12/2018
"HUMAN NUTRITION: Nutrition and sport: Hydration and exercise. Nutritional ergogenic aids"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  108' 33''  |  Viewed: 28 times
Mr. Federico Mallo Ferrer
Physiology Professor, University of Vigo
"BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY: Pathology of the Adrenal Gland"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  85' 44''  |  Viewed: 16 times
Ms. Paula Sánchez Sobrino
MD. Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition , Montecelo Hospital
Date of holding: 09/01/2019
"HUMAN NUTRITION. Nutrition and sport: Hydration and exercise. Nutritional ergogenic aids II"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  118' 50''  |  Viewed: 25 times
Mr. Federico Mallo Ferrer
Physiology Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 07/02/2019
"DIETETICS: Vitamins in health"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  103' 58''  |  Viewed: 59 times
Manuel Penín Álvarez
Medical specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
"DIETOTHERAPY: Diarrhea and constipation. Poor fiber-rich fiber diet"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  107' 20''  |  Viewed: 62 times
Dr. Joaquín San José Arango
Family doctor
Date of holding: 08/02/2019
"DIETHERAPY: Nutritional support in behavior disorders food. Anorexia and bulimia"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  109' 22''  |  Viewed: 44 times
Dr. Ricardo García-Mayor García
Chief of Endocrinology Service, General Hospital of Vigo
"DIETHERAPY: Food poisoning by metals. Disease Wilson. Controlled diet in copper. Diets adapted to pathology specifies"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  95' 56''  |  Viewed: 39 times
Carlos J. Magdalena
Lecturer, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 14/02/2019
"DIETOTERAPIA: Nutritional support in pancreatitis. Nutritional support in the patient with pancreatectomy"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  78' 13''  |  Viewed: 10 times
Ms. María Francisco González
Department of Gastroenterology
"DIETHERAPY: Anemia and hemochromatosis"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  43' 49''  |  Viewed: 18 times
Ms. María Francisco González
Department of Gastroenterology
Date of holding: 15/02/2019
"CLINICAL NUTRITION: Peri-operative Nutrition"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  104' 44''  |  Viewed: 8 times
Carlos J. Magdalena
Lecturer, University of Vigo
"DIETETICS: Design and programming of physical exercise in the patient with obesity"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  124' 35''  |  Viewed: 27 times
Mr. Federico Mallo Ferrer
Physiology Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 21/02/2019
"DIETHERAPY Nutritional support in inflammatory disease intestinal"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  97' 32''  |  Viewed: 31 times
Ms. María Francisco González
Department of Gastroenterology
"DIETHERAPY Nutritional support in the oncological patient. Syndrome cachexia-anorexia"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  49' 06''  |  Viewed: 19 times
Ms. María Francisco González
Department of Gastroenterology
Date of holding: 28/02/2019
"DIETOTHERAPY: Dietotherapy in pathologies with alterations in the processing of carbohydrates. Controlled diet in lactose, fructoras, sucrose and galactose"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  95' 08''  |  Viewed: 28 times
Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez Olmos
Endocrinology and Nutrition Service, Hospital of Conxo CHUS
"TECHNIQUES IN DIETS Utility of different computer programs in the diet planning"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  23' 51''  |  Viewed: 19 times
Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez Olmos
Endocrinology and Nutrition Service, Hospital of Conxo CHUS
Date of holding: 01/03/2019
"CLINICAL NUTRITION: Monitoring and Complications of enteral nutrition and parenteral"
Audio private  |  Spanish  (100' 30'')  |  Viewed: 37 times
Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez Olmos
Endocrinology and Nutrition Service, Hospital of Conxo CHUS
"CLINICAL NUTRITION: Home enteral and parenteral nutrition DIETÉTICA: Balanced nutrition and nutrition in communities"
Audio private  |  Spanish  (26' 48'')  |  Viewed: 23 times
Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez Olmos
Endocrinology and Nutrition Service, Hospital of Conxo CHUS
Date of holding: 07/03/2019
"DIETHERAPY: Hydrosaline metabolism. Diet controlled in sodium. Diet controlled in potassium. Diet in arterial hypertension"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  95' 10''  |  Viewed: 62 times
Ms. Paula Sánchez Sobrino
MD. Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition , Montecelo Hospital
"DIETETICS: Drug-food interaction (audio)"
Audio private  |  Spanish  (89' 27'')  |  Viewed: 23 times
Ms María Cristina Taboada
Department of Physiology, University of Santiago de Compostela
Date of holding: 08/03/2019
"DIETOTHERAPY: Celiac disease. Controlled diet in gluten"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  58' 02''  |  Viewed: 10 times
Ms. Regina Palmeiro Carballeira
Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition, University Hospital of Vigo
"DIETOTECNIA: Elements of the diet and its weighting"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  119' 39''  |  Viewed: 31 times
Ms. Cristina Pérez Gil
Dietary Supervisor. Nutritionist
Date of holding: 22/03/2019
"DIETETICS: Dietary treatment of obesity"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  29' 57''  |  Viewed: 13 times
Ms. Paula Sánchez Sobrino
MD. Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition , Montecelo Hospital
"CLINICAL NUTRITION: Planning of the hospital diet code. Usefulness in body composition in endocrinology"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  88' 13''  |  Viewed: 12 times
Dr. Diego Bellido Guerrero
Doctor, Specialist in endocrinology and Nutrition
"DIETOTECNIA: Adjustment of the diet to the nutritional requirements individual"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  85' 02''  |  Viewed: 18 times
Ms. Cristina Pérez Gil
Dietary Supervisor. Nutritionist
Date of holding: 04/04/2019
"DIETOTERAPIA: Nutritional support in digestive surgery I"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  54' 17''  |  Viewed: 16 times
Ms. Raquel Sánchez Santos
General Surgery and Digestive Department, Hospital Complex of Pontevedra
"DIETOTERAPIA: Nutritional support in digestive surgery II"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  23' 32''  |  Viewed: 10 times
Ms. Raquel Sánchez Santos
General Surgery and Digestive Department, Hospital Complex of Pontevedra
"DIETHERAPY: Nutrition in bariatric surgery"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  58' 20''  |  Viewed: 15 times
Ms. Raquel Sánchez Santos
General Surgery and Digestive Department, Hospital Complex of Pontevedra
Date of holding: 05/04/2019
"DIETETICS: Immunonutrition I"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  108' 27''  |  Viewed: 39 times
Prof. Alfredo Corell Almuzara
Professor of Immunology, University of Valladolid
"DIETETICS: Immunonutrition II"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  101' 17''  |  Viewed: 45 times
Prof. Alfredo Corell Almuzara
Professor of Immunology, University of Valladolid
Date of holding: 11/04/2019
"CLINICAL NUTRITION: Indications of enteral and parenteral nutrition I"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  66' 33''  |  Viewed: 34 times
Mss Eva M. Menor Fernández
Emergency medicine specialist, CHUVI
"CLINICAL NUTRITION: Indications of enteral and parenteral nutrition II"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  34' 45''  |  Viewed: 10 times
Mss Eva M. Menor Fernández
Emergency medicine specialist, CHUVI
"CLINICAL NUTRITION: Enteral and parenteral nutrition, composition and routes of access"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  123' 00''  |  Viewed: 13 times
Mss Eva M. Menor Fernández
Emergency medicine specialist, CHUVI
Date of holding: 12/04/2019
"CLINICAL NUTRITION: Diets with texture modification artificial"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  50' 18''  |  Viewed: 17 times
Ms. Regina Palmeiro Carballeira
Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition, University Hospital of Vigo
"DIETOTECNIA: Elaboration of diets. Transformation of diets into menus"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  115' 00''  |  Viewed: 20 times
Ms. Cristina Pérez Gil
Dietary Supervisor. Nutritionist
Date of holding: 25/04/2019
"CLINICAL NUTRITION: Formulas and calculation of enteral diets and parenteral"
DIETHERAPY: Nutritional support in hematological patient. Bone marrow transplant
Video private  |  Spanish  |  109' 47''  |  Viewed: 17 times
Mss Eva M. Menor Fernández
Emergency medicine specialist, CHUVI
"DIETHERAPY: Nutritional support in septic and critical patient"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  66' 07''  |  Viewed: 18 times
Mss Eva M. Menor Fernández
Emergency medicine specialist, CHUVI
Date of holding: 26/04/2019
"DIETETICS: Allergy and Intolerance"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  61' 45''  |  Viewed: 17 times
Ms. Regina Palmeiro Carballeira
Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition, University Hospital of Vigo
"DIETOTECNIA: Transformation of diets into menus: Use of the food, nutrition and dietetics to prepare menus"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  112' 11''  |  Viewed: 13 times
Mr. Manuel Portela
Director of CharroSalud
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