"On "Getting FRESH": a peep through the keyhole"
"Session presentation"
"Changes in reproductive traits of fish stocks: Their impact on reproductive potential and consequences for the reproductive rate and productivity of stocks"
"Would the real 'Stock Reproductive Potential' please stand up to be identified!"
"Reproductive traits and growth of Labrus bergylta in Galician waters"
"Reproductive biology of deep-sea: Grenadier fish (Family: Macrouridae) from the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea"
"Reproductive strategy, spawning activity and fecundity of the skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis, in the Western Indian Ocean"
"Reproductive strategy and spawning capacity of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Western Indian Ocean"
"Reproduction investment in indeterminate spawners may be estimated from growth"
"How different are the eggs of Trachurus trachurus and Trachurus picturatus? Implications for the EPMs in the North Eastern Atlantic waters"
"Session presentation"
"Determining the indeterminate: a conceptual mechanism for the regulation of the fecundity pattern in marine teleosts"
"Analyzing the effect of four preservative treatments on the oocyte size of Mediterranean sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)"
"Batch fecundity estimates in Horse mackerel"
"Post-ovulatory follicles identification: histology vs whole mount analysis"
"Estimation of Baltic herring oocyte dynamics and fecundity using stereological methods"
"Evaluation of the procedures used to estimate fecundity of North East Atlantic mackerel collected under the ICES triennial egg survey"
"Dynamics of de novo vitellogenesis in fish with indeterminate fecundity: an application of oocyte packing density theory to European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus"
"General discussion"
"Session presentation"
"Reproductive variability and resilience: underlying causes and management implications"
"Effect of age and temperature on spawning time in gadoids"
"Reproductive strategies and fecundity type regulation through food availability in marine fish"
"Realised fecundity in Barents Sea and Irish Sea cod: life history characteristics"
"Skipped spawning and fecundity regulation in The Northeast Artic haddock"
"Batch fecundity, spawning frequency, and other aspects of reproduction in Black Sea bass, Centropristis striata (Serranidae)"
"Reproductive traits of Patagonian sprat (Sprattus fuegensis): A comparison with other Clupeoidei in different spawning habitats along the Chilean coast"
"Strategies for partition between reproductive investment and body growth in stationary and migratory stocks of Atlantic herring"
"Potential influence of lipid and fatty acid nutritional status on maduration and spawning time of cod"
"Effect of dietary fatty acids on ovarian maturation, spawning time and egg and larvae of wild and captive cod (Gadus morhua)"
"Viability and development during early life phases of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and Baltic cod (Gadus morhua callarias) in relation to paternity and water temperature"
"The influence of temperature and paternity on developmental characteristics of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae from Scotian Shelf and Baltic source populations"
"Summary of the session"
"Session presentation"
"Examining the causes of variation in stock reproductive potential"
"Match-mismatch theory in a climate change scenario: propagating individual physiology to spawning time and recruitment in Northeast Arctic cod"
"Disentangling genetic frequency shifts from phenotypic response in changes on reproductive parameters of Flemish Cap cod"
"Do reproductive traits of Atlantic cod really differ in populations maintained under exactly similar experimental conditions?"
"Variation in the mesenteric fat of North Sea and Norwegian spring-spawning herring with relation to maturation"
"Relations between reproductive development and physiological measures of condition: results of a laboratory experiment with Black Sea bass (Centropristis striata)"
"Summary of the session"
"SSB still rules! Has considering stock reproductive potential made a difference to fisheries advice?"
"Linking size and age of attaining sexual maturation to growth and stock productivity in Atlantic cod stocks"
"An evaluation of the artisanal fisheries based on reproduction information of lane snapper in the Northern Coast of Bahia, Brazil"
"Total egg production in Trisopteurs luscus: effect of stock structure"
"The impact of maternal effects on recruitment and fisheries reference points"
"Impact of Southern hake egg production into MSY biological reference points. Implications for management"
"Session presentation"
"Incorporating reproductive biology into stock assessments: experiences from Alaska and the U.S. West coast"
"How the reproductive rate of commercial fish stocks scales with size composition"
"Integrating reproductive potential studies in the fisheries managements. Study case of females of Brycon guatemalensis"
"Exploring how variability in reproductive potential translates into reference point uncertainty"
"Implementation of stock reproductive potential into management advice for harvested marine species: where are we now?"