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Good use and bad use of the sea

Sustainability in female

Salón de grados, Faculty of Education and Sport - Campus A Xunqueira - Pontevedra

Date of holding: 14/11/2016
Campus do Mar workshops
"Immerse yourself in the ocean"
Campus do Mar workshops
Video  |  Galician  (4' 49'')  |  Viewed: 787 times
"Immerse yourself in the ocean: ocean acidification"
Campus do Mar workshops
Video  |  Galician  (5' 53'')  |  Viewed: 635 times
"Understanding, sustainable use and protection of the marine environment. A strategic sector for Galicia"
María M. Álvarez Lires intervention
Video  |  Galician  (4' 39'')  |  Viewed: 585 times
María Álvarez Lires
Didactic Research Group,, Education Sciences Faculty, Universidade de Vigo, Didactic Research Group, Education Sciences, Pontevedra
"The classical references of Galician culture were practically oblivious to the role of women in the world of the sea"
Francisco Díaz-Fierros intervention
Video  |  Galician  (5' 25'')  |  Viewed: 535 times
"The seafood sector has a woman's name, hands and face"
Carmela Silva intervention
Video  |  Galician  (9' 57'')  |  Viewed: 567 times
Carmela Silva
Chairwoman, Diputación de Pontevedra
"At sea, women are absolute protagonists"
José Manuel Corbacho intervention
Video  |  Galician  (3' 46'')  |  Viewed: 550 times
Sr. Juan Manuel Corbacho Valencia
Vice President for Campus Pontevedra, University of Vigo
Researchers panel: Opportunities and threats for the seafood sector
"Program for monitoring chemical pollution in the Rías de Pontevedra and Vigo"
Victoria Besada intervention
Video  |  Spanish  |  16' 19''  |  Viewed: 330 times
Ph.D. Victoria Besada
Director, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO)
"Shellfish banks in Galicia: risks caused by extreme events on commercially important bivalves"
Elsa Vázquez intervention
Video  |  Spanish  |  20' 57''  |  Viewed: 381 times
"The opportunity for us to adapt ourselves to climate change at sea"
Elena Ojea intervention
Video  |  Galician  |  17' 26''  |  Viewed: 273 times
Dr. Elena Ojea
Researcher, University of Vigo
Didactic Resources for Education in Oceanic Acidification
"Azucena Arias Correa presentation"
Video  |  Galician  (1' 12'')  |  Viewed: 810 times
Azucena Arias Correa
Professor of Didactics of Experimental Sciences, Universidade de Vigo
Conference introduced by María Álvarez Lires
Didactic Research Group,, Education Sciences Faculty, Universidade de Vigo, Didactic Research Group, Education Sciences, Pontevedra
"Didactic Resources for Education in Oceanic Acidification"
Video  |  Spanish  |  26' 39''  |  Viewed: 290 times
Azucena Arias Correa
Professor of Didactics of Experimental Sciences, Universidade de Vigo
"Didactic Resources for Education in Oceanic Acidification. Questions"
Video  |  Galician  (16' 49'')  |  Viewed: 639 times
Conference introduced by María Álvarez Lires
Didactic Research Group,, Education Sciences Faculty, Universidade de Vigo, Didactic Research Group, Education Sciences, Pontevedra
Azucena Arias Correa
Professor of Didactics of Experimental Sciences, Universidade de Vigo
The shellfish of coast: a women's trade
"The shellfish of coast: a women's trade"
Video  |  Galician  (18' 34'')  |  Viewed: 553 times
María José Cacabelos
President, Guimatur
Conference introduced by María Álvarez Lires
Didactic Research Group,, Education Sciences Faculty, Universidade de Vigo, Didactic Research Group, Education Sciences, Pontevedra
"The shellfish of coast: a women's trade. Questions"
Video  |  Galician  (6' 51'')  |  Viewed: 500 times
María José Cacabelos
President, Guimatur
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