"Opening the conference on the taxation incentives to shipping companies"
"Presentation Prof ª. Maria Teresa Sierra and Prof. Mata. Begoña Pérez Bernabeu"
"The limitations imposed by the European Union fiscal policy of member states"
"State aid: concept and characters. special reference to state aid for fiscal nature"
"Presentation Prof. Luis Muleiro"
"State aid and EU case law"
"Presentation Prof ª. Dr. Ana María Pita Grandal"
"The different legal regimes that shaped the tax lease, determine the consideration of the assembly as a single measure of State aid"
"Presentation: Gemma Martínez Barbara"
"Delimitation of early repayment in the shipbuilding sector as State aid"
"Presentation Núria Fariña"
"Similar to tax lease schemes in EU countries"
"Presentation: Gemma Martínez"
"The role of Tax in the SEAF tonage"
"Presentation: Monica Siota"
"The authorization of the European Union to implement State aid"
"Presentation: Prof ª. Begoña Pérez Bernabeu"
"The decision of the Commission December 20, 2006 on French Lease Tax and the Charter of March 2009 (then) Commissioner of Competition as generators of"
"Presentación: Rubi Gabriel D.José Cassinello"
"Specials tax recovery process State aid"
"Conference Presentation: Implications of the decision"
"The prescription"
"Presentation: Mr. José Antonio Gil del Campo"
"The Return"
"Presentation: Prof. Antonio López Díaz"
"The liability of the Directors"
"Presentation: Prof ª. Soraya Rodríguez Losada"
"Possible resources when State Aid declaration occurs: Appeal to legal certainty and legitimate expectations"
"Presentation Prof. Jaime Pereira Aneiros"
"The regime Leasing"
"Other measures to the Shipping Tax Entities in Corporate Tax"
"Presentation: Tomás Casquero Cimadevila"
"Keys to a European policy sector"
"Presentation: Mr. Javier Aguilera Navarro"
"The new tax system and its application to problems in industry"
"Presentation: Prof. José Manuel Blanco"
"Present and future of the shipbuilding industry in Europe"
"Closing of the conference on taxation incentives to shipping companies"