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Appointment of Management Team

Sala de Juntas, Rector´s office

Date of holding: 01/04/2011
"First meeting of the Governing Council"
Video  |  Spanish  (11' 08'')  |  Viewed: 3611 times
Mr. Salustiano Mato de la Iglesia
Chancellor, University of Vigo
Video  |  Spanish  (2' 16'')  |  Viewed: 3531 times
Rafael Rodrigo Montero
President, National Research Council (CISC)
Video  |  Spanish  (2' 18'')  |  Viewed: 3358 times
Mr. Eduardo Balguerías Guerra
Director, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO)
Video  |  Spanish  (2' 29'')  |  Viewed: 3286 times
Mr. José M.ª Barja
Vice-Chancellor, University of A Coruña
Video  |  Spanish  (4' 47'')  |  Viewed: 3268 times
Mr. Juan Casares Long
Vice-Chancellor, University of Santiago de Compostela
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