IV Symposium on Galician language
Feb 8, 2012
Opening act
- Video | Galician | 15' 34''
: Ms. Rocío BarreiroResponsible for Comités in Vigo
: Mr. Xosé Henrique CostasVice Chancellor of University Extension
: Mr. Paulo CabralDirector of ANL of the University of Vigo
The history of Galician through onomastics
- Video | Galician | 107' 48''
: Mr. Gonzalo NavazaProfessor of FFT, University of Vigo
The necessity of the media in Galician
- Video | Galician | 53' 44''
: Mr. Denís Fdez. MéndezCoordinator of the online edition of Tempos Novos
: Mr. Marcos Pérez PenaPublic Job
: Ms. Olalla RodilMember of the promoters of Sermos Galiza
The national dance
- Video | Galician | 67' 54''
: Mr. Alexandre Sotelino LosadaDirector of the group Rebulir and member of 'Castro Floxo'
: Ms. Sandra Vázquez NúñezMember of the groups 'Cantigas e Agarimos' and 'Seráns' of Compostela
: Mr. Francisco J. Feijóo ÁlvarezTeacher of dance in 'A.C.F O Fiadeiro' and Escola Municipal de Música Folk e Tradicional
Feb 9, 2012
- Video | Galician | 45' 47''
: Mr. Iago VarelaNetwork driving force
: Mr. Luis P. CasteloNetwork driving force
Teaching Galician abroad
- Video | Galician | 71' 30''
: Ms. Diana García CousoTeacher of Galician in Leipzig, Germany
: Ms. Katja BodeStudent of Galician in Leipzig, Germany
Galician in music
- Video | Galician | 89' 50''
: Tonhito de PoiMusician
Feb 10, 2012
Interpreting from / into Galician
- Video | Galician | 82' 12''
: Ms. María ReimóndezInterpreter English / Galician
: Mr. Óscar Ferreiro VázquezInterpreter French / Galician and professor of translation and linguistics departament, University of VIgo
Against prejudices and simplifications about the Galician language
- Video | Galician | 62' 55''
: Mr. Manuel Núñez SingalaBoss of SNL of USC
Galician, the language that tastes like bread
- Video | Galician | 46' 43''
: Mr. Pedro FeijóoMuu Studies
: Mr. Martiño RamosTeacher of CPI of Cea
Closing Act
- Video | Galician | 13' 06''
: Ms. Rocío BarreiroResponsible for Comités in Vigo
: Mr. Xosé Henrique CostasVice Chancellor of University Extension
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