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Reorganization of marine biodiversity under climate change: new challenges and opportunities

Sala I, Miralles Building - Campus of Vigo

Date of holding: 26/02/2019
"Introduction of Jorge García Molinos"
Video  |  English  (2' 26'')  |  Viewed: 48 times
Dr. Jorge García Molinos
Assistant Professor at the Arctic Research Center (University of Hokkaido in Sapporo, Japan)
Conference introduced by Dr. Elena Ojea
Researcher, University of Vigo
"Reorganization of marine biodiversity under climate change: new challenges and opportunities"
Video  |  English  |  50' 14''  |  Viewed: 69 times
Dr. Jorge García Molinos
Assistant Professor at the Arctic Research Center (University of Hokkaido in Sapporo, Japan)
"Questions. Reorganization of marine biodiversity under climate change: new challengers and opportunities"
Video  |  English  (8' 21'')  |  Viewed: 18 times
Dr. Jorge García Molinos
Assistant Professor at the Arctic Research Center (University of Hokkaido in Sapporo, Japan)
Conference introduced by Dr. Elena Ojea
Researcher, University of Vigo
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