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The role of global change in the alteration of biogeochemical cycles 1516_CFA6
Campus do Mar videoconference room, C.A.C.T.I. - Centro de Apoio Científico-Tecnolóxico á Investigación
"Course, and Professor Jorge Corredor Presentation"
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
Inorganic carbon cycle
"Inorganic carbon cycle"
Part I
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
"Inorganic carbon cycle"
Part II
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
"Inorganic carbon cycle"
Part III
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Organic carbon cycle
"Organic carbon cycle"
Part I
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
Nitrogen cycle
"Nitrogen cycle"
Part I
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
"Nitrogen cycle"
Part II
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
"Nitrogen cycle"
Part III
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
"Biogeochemical cycles"
Productivity and diversity
Mr. João Serodio
Professor, University of Aveiro
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
Calcification of the Ocean
"Calcification of the Ocean"
Part I. Index calculations calcite saturation and partial pressure of CO2
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
"Calcification of the Ocean"
Part II. Calcification in corals and other marine organisms
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC
"Oceanographic characteristics of the Caribbean Sea"
Mr. Jorge E. Corredor
Doctor in Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Conference introduced by
Mrs. Carmen González Castro
Scientist, Marine Research Institute, CSIC