Applied archeology 17/18
Jan 22, 2018
Presentation of the subject: Applied archeology
- Video | Spanish | 50' 21''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Jan 23, 2018
Greek-Roman construction I
- Video | Spanish | 56' 22''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Jan 29, 2018
Greek-Roman construction II
- Video | Spanish | 55' 16''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Jan 30, 2018
Greek-Roman construction III
- Video | Spanish | 52' 57''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Feb 5, 2018
Greek-Roman construction IV
- Video | Spanish | 46' 55''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Feb 6, 2018
Greek-Roman construction V
- Video | Spanish | 43' 46''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Feb 26, 2018
Greek-Roman construction VI
- Video | Spanish | 52' 17''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Greek-Roman construction VII
- Video | Spanish | 29' 37''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Feb 27, 2018
Greek-Roman construction VIII
- Video | Spanish | 46' 04''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Greek-Roman construction IX
- Video | Spanish | 50' 11''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Mar 5, 2018
Greek-Roman construction X
- Video | Spanish | 49' 42''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Greek-Roman construction XI
- Video | Spanish | 41' 57''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Mar 6, 2018
Greek-Roman Urbanism I
- Video | Spanish | 53' 43''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Greek-Roman Urbanism II
- Video | Spanish | 43' 23''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Mar 12, 2018
Greek-Roman Urbanism III
- Video | Spanish | 43' 45''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Mar 19, 2018
Greek-Roman Urbanism IV
- Video | Spanish | 44' 34''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Mar 13, 2018
Greek-Roman Urbanism V
- Video | Spanish | 47' 53''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Greek-Roman Urbanism VI
- Video | Spanish | 49' 55''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Mar 19, 2018
Greek-Roman Urbanism VII
- Video | Spanish | 45' 56''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Greek-Roman Urbanism VIII
- Video | Spanish | 50' 51''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Mar 20, 2018
Greek-Roman Urbanism IX
- Video | Spanish | 54' 40''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Baths and spas in Greece and Rome
- Video | Spanish | 45' 06''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Apr 2, 2018
Introduction to the ceramic technology of the Clasic period I
- Video | Galician | 59' 01''
: Mr. Adolfo FernándezDepartment of History, Art and geography, University of Vigo
Apr 3, 2018
Introduction to the ceramic technology of the Clasic period II
- Video | Galician | 47' 40''
: Mr. Adolfo FernándezDepartment of History, Art and geography, University of Vigo
Introduction to the ceramic technology of the Clasic period III
- Video | Galician | 49' 16''
: Mr. Adolfo FernándezDepartment of History, Art and geography, University of Vigo
Apr 9, 2018
Fine tableware at the end of the republic and high Imperial period I
- Video | Galician | 57' 16''
: Mr. Adolfo FernándezDepartment of History, Art and geography, University of Vigo
Fine tableware at the end of the republic and high Imperial period II
- Video | Galician | 56' 27''
: Mr. Adolfo FernándezDepartment of History, Art and geography, University of Vigo
Apr 10, 2018
- Video | Galician | 56' 00''
: Mr. Adolfo FernándezDepartment of History, Art and geography, University of Vigo
Apr 12, 2018
De Igaedis (Idanha-a-Velha) a Aeminium (Coimbra): entre o interior e o litoral norte da lusitánia romana.
- Video | Portuguese | 84' 46''
Conference introduced by: Mr. Adolfo FernándezDepartment of History, Art and geography, University of Vigo
: Mr. Pedro C. CarbalhoFacultad de letras, University of Coimbra
Apr 16, 2018
Baths and spas in Greece and Rome I
- Video | Spanish | 54' 28''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Baths and spas in Greece and Rome II
- Video | Spanish | 48' 33''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Apr 17, 2018
Baths and spas in Greece and Rome III
- Video | Spanish | 42' 29''
: Mr. Fermín Pérez LosadaDepartment of History, Art and Geography, Univesity of Vigo
Apr 27, 2018
Introduction to Archaeology of Etruscan culture.
- Video | Spanish | 20' 10''
: Mr. Diego Cernadas PeixotoStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
Funerary Archaeology of Etruscan culture
- Video | Spanish | 10' 56''
: Mr. Pablo Cid GonzálezStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
Archeology of the Etruscan Culture
- Video | Spanish | 27' 28''
: Mr. José Luis Cofán VidalStudent of Applied Archeology, University of Vigo
The iberos
- Video | Spanish | 23' 27''
: Mr. Aitor Conde GómezStudent of Applied Archeology, University of Vigo
Archeology of death in the peninsular Iberian culture
- Video | Spanish | 26' 11''
Archeology of Iberian Iberian culture
- Video | Galician | 5' 07''
Apr 30, 2018
Archaeology of religious and cultural spaces in the Greek world: temples and shrines
- Video | Spanish | 20' 49''
: Mr. Alvaro Fernandez VeleiroStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
Sports and entertainment buildings in the Greek world
- Video | Galician | 17' 07''
: Ms. Lucía García GilStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
Hydraulic works in the Roman world
- Video | Spanish | 14' 15''
: Mr. Alenandro González-Anleo MartínezStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
Sports and entertainment buildings in Roman times
- Video | Galician | 11' 26''
: Ms. Mª Beatriz González FernándezStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
May 7, 2018
The army and the war in the ancient world: composition and structure, Poliocrétic and armament.
- Video | Spanish | 26' 08''
: Isaac Guedes TavaresStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
Archaeology of the Roman army: camps and Borders
- Video | Spanish | 15' 32''
: Ms. Belén Guitián LópezStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
Terrestrial communications in Rome: Roads and bridges
- Video | Galician | 13' 19''
: Mr. José Manuel López TaboadaStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
May 8, 2018
Mining and metallurgy in the ancient world
- Video | Galician | 11' 49''
: Mr. Juan Andrés Pardo RodríguezStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
Archaeology of textile and food production
- Video | Galician | 20' 08''
: Mr. Carlos Rodríguez PenaStudent of Applied Archaeology, University of Vigo
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