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Mapping on european marine habitats

Salón de Actos, Oceanographic Centre of Vigo - Subida a Radio Faro, 50-52 36390 Vigo

Date of holding: 07/11/2013
"Mapping on marine habitats. Needs, methodology and problems"
Video  |  Spanish  (40' 19'')  |  Viewed: 2878 times
Mr José Luis Sanz
Researcher, Spanish Oceanography Institute
Conference introduced by Mr. Alberto González Garcés
Director of International Relations - Counselor, Campus do Mar - Oceanographic Spanish Institute
"European Union projets about Marine Information Harmonization"
Video  |  Spanish  (30' 41'')  |  Viewed: 2410 times
Mr José Luis Sanz
Researcher, Spanish Oceanography Institute
"Mapping marine habitats in MeshAtlantic project"
Video  |  Spanish  (32' 11'')  |  Viewed: 2687 times
Mrs Dulce Mata Chacón
Researcher, Spanish Oceanography Institute
"Integration of results of European projects mapping marine habitats. Benefits and challenges."
Video  |  Spanish  (22' 27'')  |  Viewed: 2412 times
Mr José Luis Sanz
Researcher, Spanish Oceanography Institute
Mrs Dulce Mata Chacón
Researcher, Spanish Oceanography Institute
"Question and answer"
Video  |  Spanish  (13' 19'')  |  Viewed: 1777 times
Mrs Dulce Mata Chacón
Researcher, Spanish Oceanography Institute
Mr José Luis Sanz
Researcher, Spanish Oceanography Institute
Mr. Alberto González Garcés
Director of International Relations - Counselor, Campus do Mar - Oceanographic Spanish Institute
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