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ANCORIM National Conference

ANCORIM: Atlantic Network for Coastal Risk Management

Sala de conferencias, CITEXVI - Parque Científico y Tecnológico de la Universidade de Vigo

"Welcome to Vigo University"
Video  |  Spanish  (7' 57'')  |  Viewed: 3202 times
Mrs. Raquel Díez
Zone Technician at The Technology Center of the Sea, CATMAR
Mr. Emilio Fernández Suárez
Director, Campus do Mar
Mrs. Asunción Longo
Vice Chancellor for Research, Vigo University
Conference introduced by Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
"Introducing the workshop"
Video  |  Spanish  (8' 19'')  |  Viewed: 2899 times
Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
1st SESSION ANCORIM Project Presentation
"Atlantic Network for Coastal Risk Management (ANCORIM)"
Video  |  French  (23' 50'')  |  Viewed: 3203 times
Mrs. Isabelle Dévé
Conseil Regional d’Aquitaine, France
Conference introduced by Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
"A case study, Vigo estuary (Galicia)"
Video  |  Spanish  (30' 01'')  |  Viewed: 3237 times
Mrs. Raquel Díez
Zone Technician at The Technology Center of the Sea, CATMAR
Conference introduced by Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
"Educational Tool 1"
Education Guide for the awareness of coastal hazards
Video  |  Spanish  (16' 17'')  |  Viewed: 3592 times
Video  |  English  (20' 05'')  |  Viewed: 3592 times
Mrs. Paula Cabado
European Project Technician. European and Regional Development Department, A Coruña County Council
Conference introduced by Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
1st SESSION 1 ANCORIM Project Presentation
"Educational Tool 2"
Natural and soft infrastructure solutions for coastal protection
Video  |  Spanish  (20' 05'')  |  Viewed: 3545 times
Video  |  French  (20' 22'')  |  Viewed: 3545 times
Mr. Cyril Mallet
Litoral Team Supervisor, BGRM-SRG, Aquitaine
Conference introduced by Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
1st SESSION ANCORIM Project Presentation
"Educational Tool 3"
Presentation of the ANCORIM Project website and multimedia communication tool
Video  |  French  (16' 54'')  |  Viewed: 3581 times
Video  |  Spanish  (16' 54'')  |  Viewed: 3581 times
Mrs. Isabelle Dévé
Conseil Regional d’Aquitaine, France
Conference introduced by Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
"Educational Tool 4"
Decision-making and coastal hazards: Guide to Good Practice
Video  |  Spanish  (14' 41'')  |  Viewed: 3545 times
Video  |  English  (14' 41'')  |  Viewed: 3545 times
Mr. Iain Douglas
Senior Planner, Mayo County Council, Ireland
Conference introduced by Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
"Educational Tools"
Question and answer session
Video  |  Spanish  (27' 37'')  |  Viewed: 2822 times
Mrs. Isabelle Dévé
Conseil Regional d’Aquitaine, France
Mr. Cyril Mallet
Litoral Team Supervisor, BGRM-SRG, Aquitaine
Mr. Iain Douglas
Senior Planner, Mayo County Council, Ireland
Mrs. Paula Cabado
European Project Technician. European and Regional Development Department, A Coruña County Council
Conference introduced by Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
2nd SESSION Coastal hazards in Galicia
"Risk analysis and management of environmental information in the contingency plan, Galicia territory"
Video  |  English  (24' 19'')  |  Viewed: 3771 times
Video  |  Spanish  (24' 51'')  |  Viewed: 3771 times
Mr. Pedro Montero
Head of the Oceanographic Modeling Unit, INTECMAR. Technological Institute of the Marine Environment of Galicia
Conference introduced by Mrs. Raquel Díez
Zone Technician at The Technology Center of the Sea, CATMAR
"Risk analysis and management of environmental information in the contingency plan, Galicia territory"
Question and answer session
Video  |  English  (8' 33'')  |  Viewed: 3538 times
Video  |  Spanish  (10' 13'')  |  Viewed: 3538 times
Mr. Pedro Montero
Head of the Oceanographic Modeling Unit, INTECMAR. Technological Institute of the Marine Environment of Galicia
Conference introduced by Mrs. Raquel Díez
Zone Technician at The Technology Center of the Sea, CATMAR
"Environmental Observation Network of Galicia – LMAG"
Video  |  Spanish  (35' 23'')  |  Viewed: 4854 times
Video  |  English  (35' 19'')  |  Viewed: 4854 times
Mr. Alberto Gayoso
Coordinator of the Environmental Observation Network (ROAGA), Xunta de Galicia, Xunta de Galicia, Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructures
Conference introduced by Mrs. Raquel Díez
Zone Technician at The Technology Center of the Sea, CATMAR
"Environmental Observation Network of Galicia – LMAG"
Question and answer session
Video  |  Spanish  (6' 00'')  |  Viewed: 3964 times
Video  |  English  (5' 39'')  |  Viewed: 3964 times
Mr. Alberto Gayoso
Coordinator of the Environmental Observation Network (ROAGA), Xunta de Galicia, Xunta de Galicia, Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructures
Conference introduced by Mrs. Raquel Díez
Zone Technician at The Technology Center of the Sea, CATMAR
3rd SESSION National and international experiences in coastal risk management
"European directives, threats and risks to coastal water quality and biodiversity in a global change context: the case of the Basque Country"
Video  |  Spanish  (28' 11'')  |  Viewed: 3838 times
Video  |  English  (26' 29'')  |  Viewed: 3838 times
Mr. Pedro Montero
Head of the Oceanographic Modeling Unit, INTECMAR. Technological Institute of the Marine Environment of Galicia
Conference introduced by Mr. Federico Vilas
Professor, Department of Marine Geosciences, Vigo University
"European directives, threats and risks to coastal water quality and biodiversity in a global change context: the case of the Basque Country"
Question and answer session
Video  |  English  (5' 04'')  |  Viewed: 3564 times
Video  |  Spanish  (5' 04'')  |  Viewed: 3564 times
Mr. Pedro Montero
Head of the Oceanographic Modeling Unit, INTECMAR. Technological Institute of the Marine Environment of Galicia
Conference introduced by Mr. Federico Vilas
Professor, Department of Marine Geosciences, Vigo University
"Coastal Governance: Public policies and legal instruments in Europe and Spain"
Video  |  Spanish  (26' 07'')  |  Viewed: 3591 times
Video  |  English  (26' 07'')  |  Viewed: 3591 times
Mr. Javier Sanz Larruga
Professor of Administrative Law, Director of the Coastal Observatory, University of A Coruá
Conference introduced by Mr. Federico Vilas
Professor, Department of Marine Geosciences, Vigo University
3rd SESSION National and international experiences in coastal risk management
"Coastal Governance: Public policies and legal instruments in Europe and Spain"
Question and answer session
Video  |  Spanish  (7' 35'')  |  Viewed: 3533 times
Video  |  English  (7' 37'')  |  Viewed: 3533 times
Mr. Javier Sanz Larruga
Professor of Administrative Law, Director of the Coastal Observatory, University of A Coruá
Conference introduced by Mr. Federico Vilas
Professor, Department of Marine Geosciences, Vigo University
3rd SESSION National and international experiences in coastal risk management
"Projects related to coastal hazards, CETMAR and Vigo University"
Video  |  English  (37' 20'')  |  Viewed: 4238 times
Video  |  Spanish  (37' 26'')  |  Viewed: 4238 times
Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
Mrs Marisa Fernández
Head of the Department of Management of Marine Environment & Resources, CETMAR, Technology Center of the Sea
Conference introduced by Mr. Federico Vilas
Professor, Department of Marine Geosciences, Vigo University
"Final conclusions"
Video  |  English  (1' 01'')  |  Viewed: 3752 times
Video  |  Spanish  (1' 01'')  |  Viewed: 3752 times
Mrs Ana Bernabeu
Professor, Vigo University
Mrs Marisa Fernández
Head of the Department of Management of Marine Environment & Resources, CETMAR, Technology Center of the Sea
Conference introduced by Mr. Federico Vilas
Professor, Department of Marine Geosciences, Vigo University
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