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Project MYFISH

Maximising yield fisheries while balancing ecosystem, economic and social concerns

Sala I, Miralles Building - Campus of Vigo

Date of holding: 24/04/2012
"Introduction to workshop defining MSY variants, constraints and management measures"
Video  |  English  (6' 36'')  |  Viewed: 3697 times
Anna Rindorf
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark
"What does MSY mean, where does it come from and can it work in practice?"
Video  |  English  (28' 32'')  |  Viewed: 3479 times
Sidney Holt
Author, founder of fisheries sciencies
Video  |  English  (5' 33'')  |  Viewed: 2923 times
Sidney Holt
Author, founder of fisheries sciencies
"MSY when the catch of one fish affects that of another"
Video  |  English  (12' 49'')  |  Viewed: 2962 times
Anna Rindorf
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark
Video  |  English  (1' 01'')  |  Viewed: 3354 times
Anna Rindorf
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark
Date of holding: 10/05/2012
"Good Environmental Status as we aim for MSY"
Video  |  English  (6' 37'')  |  Viewed: 3093 times
Louize Hill
Head of European Marine & Fisheries Policy, WWF European Policy Office
Date of holding: 24/04/2012
Video  |  English  (1' 26'')  |  Viewed: 2822 times
Louize Hill
Head of European Marine & Fisheries Policy, WWF European Policy Office
"Good Environmental Status as we aim for MSY"
Video  |  English  (17' 01'')  |  Viewed: 3126 times
Dave Reid
Professor, Marine Institute Galway
Video  |  English  (2' 19'')  |  Viewed: 2854 times
Dave Reid
Professor, Marine Institute Galway
"Maximising economic yield in fisheries"
Video  |  English  (18' 45'')  |  Viewed: 3047 times
Raúl Prellezo
Main Researcher, AZTI Tecnalia
Video  |  English  (4' 25'')  |  Viewed: 2822 times
Raúl Prellezo
Main Researcher, AZTI Tecnalia
"MSY in a societal perspective "
Video  |  English  (18' 05'')  |  Viewed: 2983 times
Ellen Hoefnagel
DLO Researcher, Department of Aquatic Resources, LEI
Date of holding: 10/05/2012
Video  |  English  (5' 03'')  |  Viewed: 2700 times
Ellen Hoefnagel
DLO Researcher, Department of Aquatic Resources, LEI
Date of holding: 24/04/2012
"Desirable targets and constraints from an industry perspective"
Video  |  English  (15' 00'')  |  Viewed: 3048 times
Christian Olesen
Danish Pelagic Producers Organization
Date of holding: 10/05/2012
Video  |  English  (9' 57'')  |  Viewed: 2751 times
Christian Olesen
Danish Pelagic Producers Organization
Date of holding: 24/04/2012
"Bmsy management"
Video  |  English  (18' 30'')  |  Viewed: 2931 times
Ms. Pamela Mace
Chief Scientist, New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries
Date of holding: 24/05/2012
Video  |  English  (7' 24'')  |  Viewed: 3046 times
Anna Rindorf
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark
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