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Network of the Campus of excellence in maritime theme

Sala de Juntas, Rector´s office

Date of holding: 07/03/2013
"Presentation CEIMAR.NET"
Video  |  Spanish  (8' 32'')  |  Viewed: 2373 times
Mr. Salustiano Mato de la Iglesia
Chancellor, University of Vigo
"Presentation CEIMAR.NET"
Video  |  Spanish  (2' 23'')  |  Viewed: 2221 times
Mr. Eduardo González Mazo
University president, University of Cádiz
"Presentation CEIMAR.NET"
Video  |  Spanish  (2' 00'')  |  Viewed: 2149 times
Mr. José Antonio Cobacho Gómez
President, University of Murcia
"Presentation CEIMAR.NET"
Video  |  Spanish  (2' 14'')  |  Viewed: 2097 times
Mr. José Antonio Franco Leemhuis
President, Polytechnic University of Cartagena
"Presentation CEIMAR.NET"
Video  |  Spanish  (2' 40'')  |  Viewed: 2153 times
Mr. José Regidor García
President, University of Las Palmas
"Presentation CEIMAR.NET"
Video  |  Spanish  (7' 51'')  |  Viewed: 2108 times
Mr. José Alberto Díez de Castro
Head Secretary of Universities, Department of Education and University. Galician Council
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