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Design & Fashion future LAB

Ultimos avances en nuevos materiales, así como casos de éxito en su desarrollo y aplicación al ámbito del diseño actual.

E16 - Automatic recording classroom, Faculty of Arts - Pontevedra

Date of holding: 27/05/2016
"Active and intelligent materialsc and phasic (I)"
Video  |  Spanish  |  19' 40''  |  Viewed: 633 times
Robert Thompson
Profesor. MATERFAD. Centro de materiales de Barcelona.
"Active and intelligent materialsc and phasic (II)"
Video  |  Spanish  |  65' 54''  |  Viewed: 443 times
Gumersindo Feijoo
dep. Ing. Quimica, USC
Robert Thompson
Profesor. MATERFAD. Centro de materiales de Barcelona.
"The culture of ecodesign in business strategy"
Video  |  Spanish  |  41' 41''  |  Viewed: 470 times
Gumersindo Feijoo
dep. Ing. Quimica, USC
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