Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish II - 19 - 20
Jan 29, 2020
Description of the subject FUNDAMENTOS GRAMATICAIS 2 - 19 - 20
- Private video | Galician | 36' 26''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Jan 31, 2020
Description of the subject FUNDAMENTOS GRAMATICAIS 2 - 18 - 19
- Private video | Galician | 105' 27''
Feb 3, 2020
BLOQUE I: A análise morfolóxica: introdución
- Private video | Galician | 120' 59''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Feb 5, 2020
BLOQUE 3: A análise sintáctica: introdución
- Private video | Galician | 103' 28''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Feb 10, 2020
BLOCK I: The morphological analysis: introduction
- Private video | Spanish | 120' 58''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Feb 12, 2020
BLOCK 3: The syntactic analysis: introduction
- Private video | Spanish | 116' 23''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Feb 17, 2020
BLOCK I: A morphological analysis: segmentation in morphemes
- Private video | Galician | 120' 59''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Feb 19, 2020
SECTION 3: The syntactic analysis: the verbal complexes and clauses of re
- Private video | Spanish | 120' 57''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Feb 26, 2020
BLOCK 3: The syntactic analysis: argumentative modifiers; participle vs. adjectives
- Private video | Spanish | 120' 58''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Mar 2, 2020
BLOCK 1: The morphological analysis
- Private video | Spanish | 120' 58''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Mar 4, 2020
BLOCK 3: The syntactic analysis
- Private video | Spanish | 120' 58''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Mar 9, 2020
BLOCK 1: The morphological analysis
- Private video | Spanish | 45' 04''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
Mar 11, 2020
BLOCK 3: The syntactic analysis
- Private video | Spanish | 106' 11''
: Mr. Xosé A. Fernández SalgadoProfessor at the University of Vigo
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