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MAIA - Marine protected areas in the Atlantic Arc

Tools for MPA Governance: Management Plans

Sala de Conferencias, Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza

Date of holding: 11/06/2012
Video  |  Spanish  (13' 29'')  |  Viewed: 4370 times
Video  |  English  (13' 29'')  |  Viewed: 4370 times
Phenia Marras
Project Coordinator, MAIA
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
"General considerations for the design of MPA management"
Video  |  Spanish  (38' 01'')  |  Viewed: 3872 times
Video  |  English  (24' 28'')  |  Viewed: 3872 times
Gonzalo Cid
NOAA, National Ocean Service, USA
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
"Questions "
Video  |  Spanish  (24' 40'')  |  Viewed: 3633 times
Video  |  English  (24' 28'')  |  Viewed: 3633 times
Gonzalo Cid
NOAA, National Ocean Service, USA
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
"Global analysis of management plans of the atlantic ARC MPAs"
Video  |  Spanish  (20' 35'')  |  Viewed: 3716 times
Video  |  English  (20' 35'')  |  Viewed: 3716 times
Nuria Fernández
University of A Coruña
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
Video  |  English  (10' 14'')  |  Viewed: 3478 times
Video  |  Spanish  (10' 22'')  |  Viewed: 3478 times
Nuria Fernández
University of A Coruña
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
"Experiences and feedback from designing a management plan DOCOB for marine SCI in France"
Video  |  French  (26' 44'')  |  Viewed: 3789 times
Video  |  English  (26' 44'')  |  Viewed: 3789 times
Sophie Lecerf
Facilitators, Penmarc´h and Plateau du Four SCI, France
Antonin Hubert
Facilitator, Penmarc´h and Plateau du Four SCI, France
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
Video  |  English  (12' 51'')  |  Viewed: 3754 times
Video  |  French  (12' 51'')  |  Viewed: 3754 times
Sophie Lecerf
Facilitators, Penmarc´h and Plateau du Four SCI, France
Antonin Hubert
Facilitator, Penmarc´h and Plateau du Four SCI, France
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
"Working towards possible CFP fisheries management measures for UK Sites of Community Importance beyond 12nm"
Video  |  English  (27' 37'')  |  Viewed: 2938 times
Sophie Elliot
Michael McLeod
Marine Scotland
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
Video  |  English  (6' 54'')  |  Viewed: 2811 times
Michael McLeod
Marine Scotland
Sophie Elliot
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
"Experience in designing and developing management plans in Galician MPAs of fishing interest in cooperation with stakeholders"
Video  |  Spanish  (28' 15'')  |  Viewed: 3710 times
Video  |  English  (28' 12'')  |  Viewed: 3710 times
Patricia Verísimo
University of A Coruña
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
"OSPAR developments regarding management planning for MPAs beyond national jurisdiction"
Video  |  English  (24' 34'')  |  Viewed: 3135 times
David Johnson
Executive Secretariat, OSPAR
Emily Corcoran
Executive Secretariat, OSPAR
Conference introduced by Gonzalo Cid
NOAA, National Ocean Service, USA
Video  |  Spanish  (8' 39'')  |  Viewed: 3531 times
Video  |  English  (8' 39'')  |  Viewed: 3531 times
David Johnson
Executive Secretariat, OSPAR
Emily Corcoran
Executive Secretariat, OSPAR
Conference introduced by Gonzalo Cid
NOAA, National Ocean Service, USA
"Proposal of guidelines for the designing of management plans adapted to the Atlantic Arc MPAs based on the results of MAIA study"
Video  |  Spanish  (18' 21'')  |  Viewed: 3593 times
Video  |  English  (18' 21'')  |  Viewed: 3593 times
Inma Álvarez
University of A Coruña
Conference introduced by Gonzalo Cid
NOAA, National Ocean Service, USA
Video  |  Spanish  (46' 03'')  |  Viewed: 3441 times
Video  |  English  (46' 03'')  |  Viewed: 3441 times
Inma Álvarez
University of A Coruña
Conference introduced by Gonzalo Cid
NOAA, National Ocean Service, USA
"Key point for success in designing a management plan for MPAs"
Open floor discussion
Video  |  English  (50' 30'')  |  Viewed: 3213 times
Gonzalo Cid
NOAA, National Ocean Service, USA
Inma Álvarez
University of A Coruña
Patricia Verísimo
University of A Coruña
José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
Emily Corcoran
Executive Secretariat, OSPAR
David Johnson
Executive Secretariat, OSPAR
Conference introduced by Juan Freire
Maia Partner, University of A Coruña
Date of holding: 12/06/2012
"How to integrate governance issues in management plan development and implementation"
Video  |  English  (22' 39'')  |  Viewed: 3831 times
Video  |  Spanish  (22' 38'')  |  Viewed: 3831 times
Lia Vasconcelos
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Catarina Grilo
University New of Lisbon, Portugal
Conference introduced by Tom Hooper
Seas Life
Video  |  English  (17' 03'')  |  Viewed: 3435 times
Video  |  Spanish  (17' 03'')  |  Viewed: 3435 times
Lia Vasconcelos
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Catarina Grilo
University New of Lisbon, Portugal
Conference introduced by Tom Hooper
Seas Life
"Considering Seabirds in Marine Environment Management"
Video  |  English  (21' 44'')  |  Viewed: 3663 times
Video  |  Spanish  (21' 44'')  |  Viewed: 3663 times
Nuno Barros
FAME project, Portuguese Society for the study of BIrds
Conference introduced by Tom Hooper
Seas Life
Video  |  English  (13' 46'')  |  Viewed: 3578 times
Video  |  Spanish  (13' 46'')  |  Viewed: 3578 times
Nuno Barros
FAME project, Portuguese Society for the study of BIrds
Conference introduced by Tom Hooper
Seas Life
Overview about fisheries management measures in MPAs, review of aproach in different European countries
"Overview about fisheries management measures in MPAs, review of aproach in different European countries. Belgian experience"
Video  |  English  (18' 29'')  |  Viewed: 3749 times
Video  |  Spanish  (18' 29'')  |  Viewed: 3749 times
Jochen Despestele
Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research Animal Sciencies Unit Fisheries
Conference introduced by Tom Hooper
Seas Life
"Overview about fisheries management measures in MPAs, review of aproach in different European countries. French experience"
Video  |  French  (24' 06'')  |  Viewed: 3473 times
Video  |  Spanish  (24' 06'')  |  Viewed: 3473 times
Huges Casabonnet
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
Conference introduced by Tom Hooper
Seas Life
"Overview about fisheries management measures in MPAs, review of aproach in different European countries. Dutch experience"
Video  |  English  (22' 23'')  |  Viewed: 3641 times
Video  |  Spanish  (22' 30'')  |  Viewed: 3641 times
Ton Ijistra
FIMPAS project
Conference introduced by Tom Hooper
Seas Life
Video  |  English  (11' 56'')  |  Viewed: 3344 times
Video  |  Spanish  (11' 56'')  |  Viewed: 3344 times
Jochen Despestele
Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research Animal Sciencies Unit Fisheries
Conference introduced by Tom Hooper
Seas Life
Conference introduced by Huges Casabonnet
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
"Self-protection plan for oils spills in MPA Andalucía"
Video  |  English  (28' 07'')  |  Viewed: 3671 times
Video  |  Spanish  (28' 07'')  |  Viewed: 3671 times
Esther Gordo Sánchez
El estrecho Natural Park
"Summay and Close"
Video  |  English  (39' 57'')  |  Viewed: 3675 times
Video  |  Spanish  (39' 57'')  |  Viewed: 3675 times
Esther Gordo Sánchez
El estrecho Natural Park
Jochen Despestele
Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research Animal Sciencies Unit Fisheries
Huges Casabonnet
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
Ton Ijistra
FIMPAS project
Conference introduced by Tom Hooper
Seas Life
Date of holding: 13/06/2012
"The balance between conservation objectives and the economic and social incentives of the Caribbean marine parks"
A delicate but essential process to achieve sustainable management
Video  |  English  (31' 42'')  |  Viewed: 3862 times
Video  |  Spanish  (31' 45'')  |  Viewed: 3862 times
Georgina Bustamante
Coordinator, Caribbean Marine Protected Area Management, Network and Forum GCFI Board of Directors
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
Video  |  English  (6' 40'')  |  Viewed: 3507 times
Video  |  Spanish  (6' 40'')  |  Viewed: 3507 times
Georgina Bustamante
Coordinator, Caribbean Marine Protected Area Management, Network and Forum GCFI Board of Directors
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
"Marine Natural Park of Iroise mangement plan first year of implementation experience"
Video  |  Spanish  (20' 46'')  |  Viewed: 3652 times
Video  |  English  (20' 45'')  |  Viewed: 3652 times
Philippe Le Nohiot
Deputy director, Parc Naturel Marin dÍriose, France
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
Video  |  English  (22' 31'')  |  Viewed: 3536 times
Video  |  Spanish  (22' 31'')  |  Viewed: 3536 times
Philippe Le Nohiot
Deputy director, Parc Naturel Marin dÍriose, France
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
"Management as an adaptative process: Urdabai Biosphere Reserve"
Video  |  Spanish  (27' 57'')  |  Viewed: 3787 times
Video  |  English  (27' 57'')  |  Viewed: 3787 times
Manu Monge
Technician, URdaibai Biosphere Reserve´s Technical Office, Biodiversity Governing Board, Basque Country, Spain
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
Video  |  Spanish  (3' 04'')  |  Viewed: 3643 times
Video  |  English  (3' 04'')  |  Viewed: 3643 times
Manu Monge
Technician, URdaibai Biosphere Reserve´s Technical Office, Biodiversity Governing Board, Basque Country, Spain
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
Lyme Bay_ developing conservation management in a contentious site in South West England
"Lyme Bay_ developing conservation management in a contentious site in South West England. Roger Covey"
Lyme Bay. Developing conservation management in a contentious site in South West England
Video  |  English  (16' 17'')  |  Viewed: 3614 times
Video  |  Spanish  (16' 17'')  |  Viewed: 3614 times
Roger Covey
Natural England, UK
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
"Lyme Bay_ developing conservation management in a contentious site in South West England. Neil Wellum"
Lyme Bay. Developing conservation management in a contentious site in South West England
Video  |  English  (15' 42'')  |  Viewed: 3814 times
Video  |  Spanish  (15' 36'')  |  Viewed: 3814 times
Neil Wellum
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
Video  |  English  (17' 45'')  |  Viewed: 3648 times
Video  |  Spanish  (17' 45'')  |  Viewed: 3648 times
Neil Wellum
Roger Covey
Natural England, UK
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
"Current status and challenges of management plan implementation for Azorean MPAs"
Video  |  English  (20' 24'')  |  Viewed: 3530 times
Video  |  Spanish  (20' 24'')  |  Viewed: 3530 times
Pedro Afonso
IMAR, Univesity of Azores
Video  |  English  (4' 01'')  |  Viewed: 3456 times
Video  |  Spanish  (4' 01'')  |  Viewed: 3456 times
Pedro Afonso
IMAR, Univesity of Azores
Conference introduced by José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
"Experiencies in implementation and performance measurements of MPA management"
Video  |  English  (30' 20'')  |  Viewed: 2789 times
Video  |  Spanish  (30' 20'')  |  Viewed: 2789 times
Gonzalo Cid
NOAA, National Ocean Service, USA
Conference introduced by Manu Monge
Technician, URdaibai Biosphere Reserve´s Technical Office, Biodiversity Governing Board, Basque Country, Spain
Video  |  English  (3' 47'')  |  Viewed: 3440 times
Video  |  Spanish  (3' 47'')  |  Viewed: 3440 times
Gonzalo Cid
NOAA, National Ocean Service, USA
Conference introduced by Manu Monge
Technician, URdaibai Biosphere Reserve´s Technical Office, Biodiversity Governing Board, Basque Country, Spain
"Linking MPA management with monitoring: reported global experience and insight from ongoing work at Arrabida"
Video  |  English  (33' 03'')  |  Viewed: 3728 times
Video  |  Spanish  (33' 02'')  |  Viewed: 3728 times
Yorgos Stratoudakis
IPIMAR, Portugal
Conference introduced by Manu Monge
Technician, URdaibai Biosphere Reserve´s Technical Office, Biodiversity Governing Board, Basque Country, Spain
"Final open floor discussion"
Key points for success in implementing a management plan for MPA
Video  |  English  (61' 26'')  |  Viewed: 3806 times
Video  |  Spanish  (61' 26'')  |  Viewed: 3806 times
Manu Monge
Technician, URdaibai Biosphere Reserve´s Technical Office, Biodiversity Governing Board, Basque Country, Spain
Yorgos Stratoudakis
IPIMAR, Portugal
Gonzalo Cid
NOAA, National Ocean Service, USA
"Summary and Close"
Video  |  English  (1' 40'')  |  Viewed: 3539 times
Video  |  Spanish  (1' 40'')  |  Viewed: 3539 times
José Molares
General Deputy Director of Research, Directorate General of Fisheries Development, Xunta de Galicia
Inma Álvarez
University of A Coruña
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