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Introduction to the humanities and social sciences

B5 - Automatic recording classroom, Facultad de Filología y Traducción - Campus de Vigo

Date of holding: 03/11/2014
"Scientific concepts: classification, comparison and metric"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  101' 50''  |  Viewed: 46 times
Mr. Arturo Leyte Coello
Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 17/11/2014
"Class 2"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  105' 39''  |  Viewed: 18 times
Mr. Arturo Leyte Coello
Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 24/11/2014
"Class 3"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  96' 48''  |  Viewed: 18 times
Mr. Arturo Leyte Coello
Professor, University of Vigo
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