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6th edición de las Technical Seminar. The sea and renewable energies

Naval and Oceanic Engineering's contribution

Ciudad de Vigo Hotel - Concepción Arenal Street, 5, 36201 Vigo

Opening and Presentation
"Introduction of the meeting"
Video  |  Spanish  |  18' 50''  |  Viewed: 810 times
Javier Aguilera Navarro
Instituto Galego de Promoción Económica- IGAPE Director, Government of Galicia
Juan Moya García
PAT18 (AINE) Responsible
Javier Pamies
President of AINE
Board 1
"Presentation of the board"
Video  |  Spanish  |  2' 24''  |  Viewed: 940 times
Vicente Díaz Casás
Professor of Naval and Oceanic Engineering Department at Universidade da Coruña and member of PAT18
"Opportunities in Offshore Wind Energy"
Video  |  Spanish  |  21' 31''  |  Viewed: 800 times
Cándido González Mandado
Manager, Gestamp Renewable Industries
"Magellan Project"
Floating platform that uses the ocean currents to generate energy
Video  |  Spanish  |  14' 52''  |  Viewed: 776 times
Mr. Adriano Marques de Magallanes Regojo
Project Manager, Magallanes Renovables
"Industrial development of the marine renewable energies in Galicia "
Innovation as distinctive factor
Video  |  Spanish  |  19' 21''  |  Viewed: 983 times
Julián Fontela Vivanco
Commercial and Business Development Director, Ghenova engineering
"Maritime equipment for cargo handling and man riding"
Its application Offshore
Video  |  Spanish  |  27' 21''  |  Viewed: 825 times
Francisco J. Ruppen Cañás
Technical Director and Executive Secretary of Production, Industrias Ferri
Board 2
"Presentation of the board"
Video  |  Spanish  |  2' 28''  |  Viewed: 665 times
Óscar Gómez
Manager, Aclunaga
"A giant offshore wind turbine"
Not only blades and foundation
Video  |  Spanish  |  35' 49''  |  Viewed: 677 times
Juan Moya García
PAT18 (AINE) Responsible
"Challenges and opportunities in the construction of offshore wind farms"
Video  |  Spanish  |  15' 15''  |  Viewed: 1113 times
Pablo Rivera Romero
Oil & Gas and Diversification Program Manager. Business Development & Commercial Division, Navantia MSc
"Assistant industry. Collaboration and implication"
Video  |  Spanish  |  22' 49''  |  Viewed: 1091 times
Roberto Carlos Bouzas Saavedra
Project Manager, Nervión Industries
"Manufacturing Challenges for Offshore Foundations. Jacket Type"
Video  |  Spanish  |  14' 56''  |  Viewed: 824 times
Roberto Presa
Project Manager, Offshore Windar
"Round of questions"
Video  |  Spanish  |  16' 41''  |  Viewed: 926 times
Juan Moya García
PAT18 (AINE) Responsible
Pablo Rivera Romero
Oil & Gas and Diversification Program Manager. Business Development & Commercial Division, Navantia MSc
Roberto Carlos Bouzas Saavedra
Project Manager, Nervión Industries
Roberto Presa
Project Manager, Offshore Windar
Óscar Gómez
Manager, Aclunaga
Board 3
"Presentation of the board"
Video  |  English  |  1' 24''  |  Viewed: 774 times
Raúl Rodríguez Arias
R&D&i Projects Coordinator at the CTC and member of PAT18
"Dynamic behaviour of a floating wind turbine "
Nautilus test campaign
Video  |  Spanish  |  26' 25''  |  Viewed: 740 times
Jesús M. Busturia
General Director, Nautilus Floating Solutions
"WindFloat Atlantic"
A step change in turning floating wind commercial
Video  |  Spanish  |  29' 19''  |  Viewed: 984 times
Mr. Carlos Martín Rivals
Project Director of Windfloat Atlantic, EDP Renováveis
"Floating Offshore Wind Power"
Delivering on our vision
Video  |  English  |  26' 17''  |  Viewed: 713 times
Mr. Johan Sandberg
Global Head of Floating Offshore Wind, DNVGL-Energy
Board 3
Round table and debate
"Wind offshore industrial component "
Needs, opportunities and challenges
Video  |  Spanish  |  46' 24''  |  Viewed: 765 times
Juan Moya García
PAT18 (AINE) Responsible
Mr. Francisco García Lorenzo
President, APPA Marina
Mr. Carlos Martín Rivals
Project Director of Windfloat Atlantic, EDP Renováveis
Mr. Enrique Mallón
General Secretary, ASIME
Pablo Rivera Romero
Oil & Gas and Diversification Program Manager. Business Development & Commercial Division, Navantia MSc
Conference introduced by Mr. Jorge Dahl
DNV-GL and member of PAT18.
First prize ENERMAR
"Polyvalent offshore platform for the use of the ocean resources"
Video  |  Spanish  |  23' 51''  |  Viewed: 874 times
Ms. Bárbara Sánchez Panadero
Naval and Oceanic Engineer
Masterly conference
"Climate change"
Video  |  Spanish  |  29' 22''  |  Viewed: 731 times
Manuel Moreu Munaiz
President of Seaplace and Consultant of Iberdrola
Conclusions and Closing
Video  |  Spanish  |  5' 38''  |  Viewed: 770 times
Juan Moya García
PAT18 (AINE) Responsible
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