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Persistent organic pollutants in the marine environment

Trends in known and emerging compounds

Classroom 14, Higher Technical School of Telecomunications Engineering - University of Vigo

Date of holding: 10/02/2012
"Presentation of Jacob de Boer"
Video  |  English  (3' 35'')  |  Viewed: 3051 times
Conference introduced by Mrs Lucía Blanco
Researcher in Food Safety Division, Anfaco-Cecopesca
Conference introduced by María Corina Quintela Porro
Specialised Units, Anfaco-Cecopesca
"Persistent organic pollutants in the marine environment: Trends in known and emerging compounds"
Video  |  English  (43' 52'')  |  Viewed: 4184 times
Jacob de Boer
Researcher, Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Amsterdam
Video  |  English  (18' 54'')  |  Viewed: 2837 times
Jacob de Boer
Researcher, Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Amsterdam
Conference introduced by Mrs Lucía Blanco
Researcher in Food Safety Division, Anfaco-Cecopesca
Conference introduced by María Corina Quintela Porro
Specialised Units, Anfaco-Cecopesca
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