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Statistical applications to experimental and technical design and data analysis

Date of holding: 13/01/2020
"Multiple linear regression I"
Video private  |  English  |  108' 26''  |  Viewed: 8 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
"Multiple linear regression II"
Video private  |  English  |  50' 18''  |  Viewed: 2 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 14/01/2020
"Advanced regression and multivariate analysis I"
Video private  |  English  |  109' 38''  |  Viewed: 1 time
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
"Advanced regression and multivariate analysis II"
Video private  |  English  |  88' 14''  |  Viewed: 1 time
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 15/01/2020
"Advanced regression and multivariate analysis III"
Video private  |  English  |  97' 06''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
"Advanced regression and multivariate analysis IV"
Video private  |  English  |  91' 40''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 16/01/2020
"ROC analysis in classification problems I"
Video private  |  English  |  108' 18''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
"ROC analysis in classification problems II"
Video private  |  English  |  24' 01''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Jacobo de Uña
Professor, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 20/01/2020
"Time series data I"
Video private  |  English  |  119' 07''  |  Viewed: 3 times
Ángeles Saavedra
Departamento Estatística e investigación operativa, University of Vigo
"Time series data II"
Video private  |  English  |  58' 36''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Ángeles Saavedra
Departamento Estatística e investigación operativa, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 21/01/2020
"Spatial statistics: Types of spatial dependence I"
Video private  |  English  |  72' 43''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Ángeles Saavedra
Departamento Estatística e investigación operativa, University of Vigo
"Spatial statistics: Types of spatial dependence II"
Video private  |  English  |  73' 21''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Ángeles Saavedra
Departamento Estatística e investigación operativa, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 22/01/2020
"Practical exercises with R ( I"
Video private  |  English  |  128' 02''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Ángeles Saavedra
Departamento Estatística e investigación operativa, University of Vigo
"Practical exercises with R ( II"
Video private  |  English  |  73' 35''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Ángeles Saavedra
Departamento Estatística e investigación operativa, University of Vigo
Date of holding: 23/01/2020
"Practical exercises with R ( III"
Video private  |  Spanish  |  185' 11''  |  Viewed: 0 times
Ángeles Saavedra
Departamento Estatística e investigación operativa, University of Vigo
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