Estimation of Baltic herring oocyte dynamics and fecundity using stereological methods
Most of the world's resources of marine fisheries are overexploited. In spite of the technical measures implemented, many of the fish populations have failed to recover. The recovery of fish stocks depends on their reproductive potential, although there is a growing awareness that traditional indicators of reproductive capacity are not enough, as they do not represent the capacity of communities to produce viable eggs and larvae annually. In addition, egg production is also influenced by environmental conditions.
Around the world, considerable research is being carried out with the aim of examine the links between reproductive success and the dynamics of fish generations. In order to expand the scope of international integration, it is necessary for the standardization and cross-calibration of different protocols the demonstration of recent methodological developments and the creation of a common platform for research that provides fisheries managers with realistic tools to promote the recovery of fish stocks.
To this end, significant advances have been made recently to improve stock assessment methodology in order to promote sustainable exploitation of marine fishery resources.
Conference introduced by: Dr. Olav Sigurd KjesbuInstitute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway
: Ms. Jonna TomkiewiczTechnical University of Denmark