Current understandings and challenges on the presence and analysis of the neurotoxin BMAA

Recording date: Oct 24, 2017
Viewed: 181 times

Intervention of Els Faassen

Advancements and challenges in developing analytical methodologies, not only for existing aquatic biotoxins, but also for emergent toxins as a result of diverse factors related to climate change, are key to the sixth edition of the International Symposium Marine and Freshwater Toxins Analysis. Organized by the Department of Analytical and Alimentary Chemistry of the University of Vigo, the symposium "focuses on analyzing aquatic biotoxins, in marine and freshwater," explains professor and researcher Ana Gago, which is also the director of reference Laboratory of the European Union for merine biotoxins. Close to 90 international experts in analysis of aquatic biotoxins, from the United States, Canada, Xapón, Nova Zelandia, Chile, as well as representatives of member states of the European Union, participate in the international congress that is developed in the Talaso Atlántico of Baiona Hotel.

  • Conference introduced by: Dr. Anastasia Hiskia
    Institute of Physical Chemistry. NCSR Demokritos
  • : Els Faassen
    Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management, Wageningen University


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