"There is Never a Single Story about Any Place": Mapping Contexts and Voices in Always Elsewhere. Travels of the Black Atlantic.

Recording date: Sep 17, 2015
Viewed: 455 times

The University of Vigo hosted the I International Conference Atlantic Communities: Translation, Mobility, Hospitality (17-18 September, 2015). The event was a joint initiative of Teresa Caneda Cabrera (UVigo), Rui Carvalho Homem (U Porto) and David Johnston (Queen’s U Belfast) and was organized by members of the UVigo NETEC research group, Martín Urdiales Shaw, Jorge Figueroa Dorrego, Araceli González Crespán and José Carregal Romero. Seeking to address the growing interest in the Atlantic as a transnational and cross-cultural space of transit, the conference brought together scholars from the social sciences and the humanities who embarked on fruitful dialogues about confluences and encounters between communities and individuals on both sides of the Atlantic.

  • Conference introduced by: Dr. Belén Martín Lucas
    Professor at the department of English, French and German Philology, Faculty of Philology and Translation, University of Vigo
  • : Svetlana Stefanova


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