Question and answer session. Tracking niche variation and the progress of speciation over millennial timescales in sympatric killer whale lineages

Recording date: Apr 29, 2013
Viewed: 2913 times

Recent advances in genomics offer an unprecedented opportunity to understand the mechanisms involved in ecological speciation. In order to build a solid two-way bridge between ecology and genomics, the AES international conference will promote a brainstorm on cutting-edge empirical and theoretical advances in the study of ecological speciation.

We aim to create an open discussion atmosphere between students and more experienced researchers that can inspire future educational and research programs on this topic, currently one of the most prominent in evolutionary biology.

This meeting is part of the European Science Foundation’s Research Networking Programme Frontiers of Speciation Research (FroSpects,, which is funded by 18 of ESF’s national member organisations.

  • Conference introduced by: Mr. Juan Galindo
    AES’s Organizing Committee, University of Vigo
  • : Mr. Andrew Foote
    Researcher. Centre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum , University of Copenhagen


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