Extreme events and the biogeography of range boundaries in the European intertidal

Recording date: Jun 14, 2012
Viewed: 3018 times

Doctors David Wethey and Sally Woodin are professors at the University of South Carolina (Columbia, South Carolina, USA) with a broad curriculum through its 40 years of research experience in the areas of population and community ecology, biogeography and Climate Change with a number of publications in the most prestigious journals, including “Nature”, “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”, “Ecology”, “Limnology and Oceanography”...

They are currently coordinators of the global project entitled "Physiological Impacts of Climate Change Using Remote Sensing: An Integrative Approach to Predicting Patterns of Species Abundance and Distribution and Thresholds of Ecosystem Collapse" that is funded by the U.S. agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

  • : Dr. David Wethey
    Professor of Biological Sciences and Marine Science, University of South Carolina, USA


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