The formation of the kingdoms
The demographic regime of Old Regime and population trends
Theme 2: Modern centuries in the Iberian Peninsula
The agricultural and industry sector
Trade and development of economic activities
The Society in the modern age
The political evolution of the peninsular kingdoms
Introduction to the religion of the ancient Egypt
Thucydides and our age
The festivities in Ancient Greece
Closing ceremony
The beyond Ancient Greece
Musical - We are the world
The Conolization
the odyssey part IX
Musical - Que será será
Menelao's feats
Musical - wishes
Musical - Convoio
4th century - part 2
Musical - Underworld
4th century - part 1
Musical - Turtles
Clasic Time 1 (Part II)
Clasic Time 1 (Part I)
Musical - Octopus and recycling (Song of the Little Mermaid)