The formation of the kingdoms
The demographic regime of Old Regime and population trends
Theme 2: Modern centuries in the Iberian Peninsula
The agricultural and industry sector
Trade and development of economic activities
The Society in the modern age
The political evolution of the peninsular kingdoms
Opening ceremony
Brief reflection on antiquity
Presentation Group 1
Presentation Group 2
Presentation Group 3
Concepts and limits of Universal Ancient History
Presentation Group 4
Introduction to Ancient History of Hellas and the Bronze Age:
Musical - The yellow Submarine
Archaic Period (750 - 479 b. C.)
Musical - Dialogue microplastic
Musical - Win
The Dark Age
Musical - La selva negra (Maná)
Clasic Time 1 (Part I)
Musical - Octopus and recycling (Song of the Little Mermaid)
Musical - Turtles
Clasic Time 1 (Part II)
4th century - part 1